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Multiple saves on one world


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I love playing with hardcore and realism mods and permadeath. That means if i die my character is dead, forever. Im searching for a mod where you can have multiple save files on one world. I think its really immersion breking if i, for example, win the war for the stormcloaks on one character, then that character dies, i create a new one and the war is not won for the stormcloaks.


I hope you can help me.


Thanks, minoros.

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Wait, what? You want to use the "dead is dead" play style, but when you do die, you want to start a new character without having to go through the whole thing again? That makes no sense to me at all. If you're playing dead is dead, then dead is dead. You die, you start over, you do everything over again until you can get through it without dying. That's the core of an immersive play style.

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Basically what he wants is when he dies he comes back as a different character in the same world as I understand it.


Restarting the game with the same progression is obviously impossible, but there are some things that a death mod could do. For example, you could potentially reassign any owned houses to a different faction and/or lock their doors. Obviously you could remove all non-quest items and give the player a starting kit again.


The NPCs would still recognize you but that can be mostly ignored except for spouses and children, who can probably be removed. If questlines are set up exactly right you might be able to reset some aspects but not others while removing the player from the faction. However that would very likely render the rest of the questline unplayable. That would be a case-by-case assessment.


The big issue is that, as far as I know, there is no way to de-level the PC. So even if you reset the character's skills, race, rename, etc., you're still going to have play a level 10, 20, whatever character that you left off with.

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