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Gorangas real life system


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This project sounds amazing! And to think, I just happened to stumble upon it from another website.


And I can do some mesh work if you need something done. PM me if you need something, I'm just ripping and converting some Aion meshes for Oblivion atm.

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I insist on quality and stability of this mod now. I moved release date for that reason. Until everything is as I imagined and beta-tested enough, I willl not release it.
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...Status update


Prostitution system - 100%


Criteria that I had for protitution are:

Flexibility - to use it on any NPC anywhere in the game world without any limits.

Compatibility and clean code - I didn't want to add any objects into the game world that will conflict with popular mods and I didn't want to add some specific NPCs that are used for this purpose (I used existing NPCs)

Sex specific - gameplay depends if a player is male or female


I kept prostitution clean and simple.


For female player:

If you are female, you can make money working on the streets.

1. Searching for customers - obviously, not everyone can be your customer. To be more specific, some guys will always be your customers and some guys never (I think this is more real than any other alternative). So you must go around and search for your customers (it can be any NPC in the gameworld). This way you will not be able to go only for rich clients.

2. Offering your "services" - Once you found a customer, you can offer him your service. He can accept or refuse your offer.

3. Payment - if he accepted, he will tell you how much money he will pay (this depends on your level and his social status). If you accept, you can take him to some place where.....and take the money!!!


For male players:

I've had some headache figuring out how to solve this. As male, you can use services for money. My criteria forbid me to make too much of new characters (prostitutes) that you can use for this purpose. And then, I had an inspiration...


1. Find prostitutes - Believe it or not, some nice women that you can find in game are actualy prostitutes. You need to find out which!!!! When you find out who is prostitute, you can always go to her. Maybe some countess is hooker in her spare time!?!??

2. Payment - The price of each prostitute depends on your level and her's social status (classy hooker). Payment is in advance (no joking around with those girls)

3. The place - If you accepted her price (if you reject she will be very pissed), you can take her to some private location...Did I mention that payment is in advance?



I will write description of dating system and marriage system soon. Dating is complex. I rewritten it three times adding new stuff to make gameplay as good as I can. The gameplay for dating modeled from real life dating process (courtship ritual :)). It's not "pure game" like the one seen in GDS. It has some real logic that is run behind conversations with actors (off course, game engine has many limitations and some things are random where some specific pattern should be applied). It was real challange to make it, because I needed to think about structural elements of dating as well as interesting gameplay. I hope you will like it. (I think I will post this tomorrow)

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Marriage system


One of possible outcomes of dating is that you get married. Your spouse will be your companion. You can have sex and kids with him/her.


Since your spouse can be anyone, it was sometimes challange to make some features that advanced companions have. I've played some companions to get some ideas for features and these are the most important:


- Changing your spouse's clothes and accessing their inventory - I've made 4 inventories for 4 different types of clothes: casual, armor, swimsuit and pajamas. Off course, you can put anything you want into these. You can add new clothes to them and tell them what to wear at any time.

- Find stuff - find repair hammers, ingredients, lockpicks ....

- Home - if you've played GDS (Goranga dating system), you know that you could live in your husband's house (that mod was female players only). In this mod I made support for picking any place as your home (make home). When you pick the home, you can say to your spouse to "Do daily routines" and new set of AI will be forced over his/her existing AI to do something at home.

- The ownership - As seen in GDS...you can take ownership of your spouse's house, get the key of the door and live with your spouse in his/her place.

- Activities - you can tell them to do some things like sit, sleep, eat...

- Mimic player - spouse will mimic player when in combat mode (wearing armor). He/she will sneak when player is sneaking, draw a weapon when player does that etc.

- Settings - you can set your spouse as essential (immortal) or not etc

- Combat style - You can set combat style you prefer for your spouse. They can be agressive and attack at sight, passive (defence only) or no combat at all. You can set their preference for combat: archer or melee style.

- Sex - you can have two types of sex with them depending on what you need at the moment. First one is "common sex". The second one is used when you go to an adventure where you have some heavy fights and contract some diseases or damage your stats in any other way. You can think of this sex as antistress sex and it's called "restoration sex". It will restore your attributes (better then going to church to do this). You can have sex once a day with your spouse.


If someone knows some other features that would be nice to have, I will consider putting it to the list.


You can have a little something on the side (sex with other people while married). If you are married, you can still date other people and have sex with them. I created special support for this. I reached a level of "generality" where you can have as much lovers and one night stands as you want. This is the part where cheating kicks in. Your spouse can hear from someone (a chance) that your are cheating him/her. When you come home, he/she will start to ask about how do you spend your time when two of you are not together. This can easily lead to divorce. If you are female and get pregnant with someone other then your husband, he will ask for diviorce right away.


You can ask for divorce or wait for it to happen (if you sleep around with other people). The priest will do a quick ceremony of divorce, your wedding ring will be removed and you will lose your spouse. Here, your spouse will offer you to take all the stuff you gave to him/her when two of you were happy together.


Quick divorce will happen when you don't set your spouse as essential and he/she dies. You will be able to keep his/her house if you wish. You will have your items back too.


I'm still taking suggestions. If someone has some nice ideas for any of the systems, I will consider it. For now, I keep those systems as separate units, but in a few days I will merge them and start to bring this work to it's end. I still don't want to talk about release date, because there is more work to be done. All those systems are connected and I can work on some things only when I merge these files.


Dating to go...

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I wish to thank you Goranga for all of the hours that you have spent so far on this mod and you are to be commended for not wanting to release it until YOU are happy with it and it's stable. A lot of modders would have rushed out something by now , complete with bugs.

I'm really looking forward to seeing this but I'm patient and the mod will be ready when it's ready :-)

Cheers !!

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