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Gorangas real life system


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If I might make a suggestion, this would probably work best if it was modular. Personally, I'd love the whole "Date, Raise a family" thing that you've mentioned, but eating to keep up stamina? That would turn me off of the mod, no matter how cool it is. Everything else though sounds dazzling, and I'd love to take part in it! If you need a voice actor (Caucasian male, 18 years old) then by all means, give me a shout

Id also suggest if you don't want to make it esp modular, then make it setting modular. Ability to turn off the energy system in game. etc.

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If I might make a suggestion, this would probably work best if it was modular. Personally, I'd love the whole "Date, Raise a family" thing that you've mentioned, but eating to keep up stamina? That would turn me off of the mod, no matter how cool it is. Everything else though sounds dazzling, and I'd love to take part in it! If you need a voice actor (Caucasian male, 18 years old) then by all means, give me a shout


I will definitely need voice acting for dating and socialising. I'm female player fan, so male voice acting will be awsome. Welcome to the team :) !!!

Please PM me your mail.


The only thing I need now is female acting for male players ;).


The whole idea of this mod is to make one complete "immersion system". I've already made such attempts before, so I have some experience. I will leave all features optional. They will not take effect until you trigger them somehow.

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In Goranga dating system you were able to date any NPC in towns. Some people asked me to make possible to date in some modders made towns.


In this new mod, you will be able to meet and date ANY NPC ANYWHERE. Basicaly, you will have friends and girlfriends/boyfriends everywhere in Oblivion (in wilderness, vilages etc), even in modders made places and expansions like SI and Knights of the nine.


Also, I'm considering to add faction when you get married to count (countess etc). Although this title is useless in terms of gameplay, I had those requests too.


EDIT: I will figure out how to make "the title" like countess usefull. Maybe I will make it so you have some privileges by servants in castle. For example, servants can do things for you (protect you etc).


Addition that this mod brings in terms of dating and romance will be separate systems for male and female player. If you are female player it will be generaly more easy for you to get married (And other things that I will not mention). Also, male NPC will provide for you with his resources (money etc) and you will live in his house.


If you are male player it will be generaly more difficult to get married, bcs I will put more variables to be met by dating (like your social value and comfort level you have with female NPC). When you get married, that marriage will be maintained by you providing things for her (like giving her money etc.). You will live with her in your house.


Both you (as female player) and female NPC that is your wife (if you are male player) can be impregnated. To make this possible there is modder's resource "pregnantcy dress" or something like that by Russader.


If someone knows some better resource for pregnancy, please let me know.


I also need wedding dress for wedding ceremony. If someone knows where to find one, please let me know about that one too.

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Would it work on NPC's wearing werewolf suits? I'm scared someone would get one of my mod's werewolf suit people pregnant.


I don't even know how to begin to answer to that ;)

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I mean, if it works on all NPC's, I'm scared of some of the oddities some people would come up with involving modded NPC's. Some people use permanent suits to make creature NPC's..


What about NPC's that are only friendly if you use a charm spell of some sort, like bandits?

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I mean, if it works on all NPC's, I'm scared of some of the oddities some people would come up with involving modded NPC's. Some people use permanent suits to make creature NPC's..


What about NPC's that are only friendly if you use a charm spell of some sort, like bandits?


You can't make script that will check if someone wears permanent suit, but you can make a note in your readme file that will warn a user not to impregnate npc-s with permanent suits on :). Honestly, I don't think there are to much npc-s with permanent suits on out there.


About bandits...Why would you like to date a bandit? Other thing is he will attack you when he detect you. As you said, if someone wants to date bad guys, spell should be made that make him stop fighting, lower his aggression and raise his disposition toward you. I did that before with my "fatal attraction spell" in GPS. I can make also some hotkey do all those things.

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The dating system is one of my favorite mods. I'm very interested in this mod and wish you great success with it.

Will it be compatible with COBL?

COBL has a food and fatigue system in it.


If I could suggest anything, it would be to have 2 versions of this mod.

One with the fatigue and food part and the other without.


At best, I'm a very basic modder. Basically races and spells and few other things.

But if there is anything I can do that would be helpful, I would be happy to help. I'm willing to test it out before release if you like.

I will be first in line for this mod when it's ready.


Thank you for your previous mods and I really look foreword to this one!!

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