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Issue With Load Order, Or Incompatible Mods.....Please Help


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Hey guys. I've just started modding my Skyrim, and I've run into some issues.

The following is the mods installed, and their load order:


Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp


Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp


Unofficial Hearthfires Patch.esp


Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp


High Resolution Pack 1.esp

" 2.esp


Unofficial High Res Patch.esp

Enchant 4 effects.esp


Tundra Defense.esp

dD-Enhanced Blood Main.esp

Immersive Weapons.esp

Immersive Armors.esp

TES Music Morrowind and Oblivion Soundtrack.esp

The Dance of Death Ultimate.esp

Amazing Follower Tweaks.esp

Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp

Immersive Patrols.esp

Apocalypse Spell Package.esp

Helgen Reborn.esp

Interesting NPC's.esp


I also have HiAlgoBoost


The problems are various.....frequent CTD, extreme lag in certain areas, random sound glitches, other......strange....things. And sometimes, Skyrim just won't start.


Is the load order bad? Are some of these mods incompatible? I've read all of the authors' pages and have found nothing. Also following the "advised" load order from Unofficial Patch pages.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Chris Dovahkiin

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Has the LOOT program sorted your load order? If not do so, then run the TES5Edit program to see if that picks up any problems.


Google and download both programs if you do not have them. It is handy to keep both programs on your desktop if you decide to become a Skyrim addict. Helgen Reborn and Interesting NPS are two of the finest mods available.

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Hey guys....thanks for replying. I'm not as new as I seem.

LOOT changes nothing in the load order, and I cleaned everything Mod Organizer suggested, with TES5Edit.



I've been an addict on the xbox, and now PC.


As for specs.......


HP Desktop Windows 7 Home Premium


AMD Phenom II X2 521 3.50 GhZ Processor

Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT 1 GB VRAM (it was cheap and I know it sucks)


Have changed a couple things myself..........fewer CTD's, but still massive lag spikes, and still audio glitching (which also leads to crash.)


Hope this info helps, and if you need more please let me know!


Thanks, Chris Dovahkiin

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UNtick all 3 HR DLC texture packs...no way that GPU can handle that.....sorry.


The vanilla game + the 3 HR-DLC's loads in at 1291.95 MB VRAM....1 GB =1024.


Download SPM (Skyrim Performance Monitor) Run that and post the Graph. To really see what is going on ...Download "Process Explorer" (free from microsoft) and on the GPU tab you can see the amount of "GPU system Memory" which is the bottom graph , and would be the amount of overfill on the GPU.


EDIT: forgot links...ooops


Sample "Process Explorer" Graph.....<<<lol I GOT overfill (tiny amount) on a Pair of 3 GB - 580's in SLI..I have since backed down.

Edited by camaro_69_327
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UNtick all 3 HR DLC texture packs...no way that GPU can handle that.....sorry.


The vanilla game + the 3 HR-DLC's loads in at 1291.95 MB VRAM....1 GB =1024.


Download SPM (Skyrim Performance Monitor) Run that and post the Graph. To really see what is going on ...Download "Process Explorer" (free from microsoft) and on the GPU tab you can see the amount of "GPU system Memory" which is the bottom graph , and would be the amount of overfill on the GPU.


EDIT: forgot links...ooops


Sample "Process Explorer" Graph.....<<<lol I GOT overfill (tiny amount) on a Pair of 3 GB - 580's in SLI..I have since backed down.


This is the SPM screenshot.


I disabled all three HR Packs.......game doesn't lag as hard, but still lags.


According to SPM, GPU still runs at 100%, so I'll save up for better GPU.

Let me know if you see anything else in the screenshot......and thanks!

Edited by ChrisDovahkiin
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