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How would I write this line(s) in my quest script?


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Create the message under the messages bit in cell view and then in the dialogue editor for the line you want it displayed after in one of the script boxes write ShowMessage YourMessageID
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Since you don't want it to show up right after you finish talking, the Dialogue Editor is the wrong place... for the most part. However, you WILL need to set a script on the dialogue - you want it to set a flag somewhere. It can be a quest variable, global variable, doesn't matter, but you need something which can be accessed from elsewhere. There might actually be a flag set by that dialogue topic already, I don't know - but if there isn't, you need to make one. "set bMyFlag to 1" or something. (I don't recommend you call it bMyFlag.)


Once you have your flag, there's two ways of using it. Either put a script on the exit door, (which will trigger when the player activates the door, before they load into the new cell) or place a trigger outside the exit. (this way the player will hit it as soon as they load into the exterior cell) Then whether your script is on the exit door or the trigger, you'll have code along the lines of:

if bMyFlag == 1
    ShowMessage MyJacksonMessage
    set bMyFlag to 2

(you'll be changing bMyFlag and MyJacksonMessage to the names of your flag and your message form, respectively. If your flag is a quest variable, you'll need MyQuest.bMyFlag instead. Again, I don't recommend you name them bMyFlag, MyQuest and MyJacksonMessage.)

Edited by DaWrecka
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