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How to Increase Performance?


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Sorry. i'm a n00b at fallout 3 tweaking. so can i ask 2 questions?


1. please help me with my Performance. i set to the Lowest and my FPS is 10. so. is there any tweaks/mods that can improve performance. like in Oblivion. a Optimization mod.


2. Why is my Gauss rifle isn't shooting its Ammo "i.e cant shoot any one"


So. thanx. and sorry again.



My Specs:

Windows Vista Home Premium

Intel Dual Core, 2,0ghz

1GB Ram

Mobile Intel 4 Express Chipset Family.


Mods/DLCS i'm Using:

Marts Mutants Mod

The Pitt (LAG DLC)

Point Lookout

Operation Anchorage

Broken Steel


etc. many of them


my location is "D:\Games\Fallout 3\"

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Sorry. i'm a n00b at fallout 3 tweaking. so can i ask 2 questions?


1. please help me with my Performance. i set to the Lowest and my FPS is 10. so. is there any tweaks/mods that can improve performance. like in Oblivion. a Optimization mod.


2. Why is my Gauss rifle isn't shooting its Ammo "i.e cant shoot any one"


So. thanx. and sorry again.



My Specs:

Windows Vista Home Premium

Intel Dual Core, 2,0ghz

1GB Ram

Mobile Intel 4 Express Chipset Family.


RAM is your biggest problem. Vista needs a minimum of 2GB to run somewhat efficiently. After that read my guide on tweaking Vista. I'm an expert, I promise.

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