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[Problem] Incompatibility or Meshs Error ?


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Hey guys, I have a problem whit my Mods, i have installed the 20th century mod, and i haved a problem, some interrogation red marks in the location of added weapons, have apper in my screen game, somebody have the answer for this trouble ?

i gonna put her my mods list order.


[x] fallout3.esm

[x] pointlookout.esm

[x] anchorage.esm

[x] thepitt.esm

[x] brokensteel.esm

[x] zeta.esm

[x] craft.esm

[x] calibr.esm

[x] project beauty.esm

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esm

[x] mart's mutant mod.esm

[x] 20th century weapons.esm

[x] cri-squad-new.esm

[x] rh_ironsights.esm

[x] darnifieduif3.esp

[x] craft - activation perk.esp

[x] galaxynewsradio100[m].esp

[x] project beauty- broken steel.esp

[x] project beauty- point lookout.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - dlc anchorage.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - dlc broken steel.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - dlc mothership zeta.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - dlc point lookout.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - dlc the pitt.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - alternate travel.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - optional restore tracers (automatics only).esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - project beauty.esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - project beauty (followers enhanced).esp

[x] fo3 wanderers edition - followers enhanced (brokensteel).esp

[x] tailor maid.esp

[x] tailor maid anchorage.esp

[x] tailor maid black retex.esp

[x] tailor maid pitt.esp

[x] tailor maid brokensteel.esp

[x] tailor maid zeta.esp

[x] weaponmodkits.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - fwe master release.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - operationanchorage.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - thepitt.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - brokensteel.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - pointlookout.esp

[x] weaponmodkits - zeta.esp

[x] eve.esp

[x] eve - fwe master release.esp

[x] eve - fwe master release (follower enhanced).esp

[x] eve operation anchorage.esp

[x] eve - fwe with weaponmodkits.esp

[x] eve anchorage - fwe dlc anchorage.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - dlc anchorage.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - dlc the pitt.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - dlc broken steel.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - dlc point lookout.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - dlc zeta.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - project beauty.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - fwe master release.esp

[x] mart's mutant mod - project beauty + fwe.esp

[x] minihideout.esp

[x] undergroundhideout.esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (brotherhood_outcast).esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (chinese ghoul).esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (containers).esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (npc_settler).esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (raider).esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (rivetcity).esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (slaver).esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (supermutant).esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (talon_regulator).esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (test container).esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (vault 101).esp

[x] 20th century v5 alive (vendor).esp

[x] 20th century weapons selectors.esp

[x] 20th cen ak 47 iron sight fix.esp

[x] 7_isa -e 20th century weapons v3.1.esp

[x] 7_isa -e chinese assault rifle.esp

[x] s.t.a.l.k.e.r. arsenal mod.esp

[x] 7_isa handgrip_fix_lincolnrifle.esp

[x] 7_holsterforhandgunsv1_1.esp

[x] 7_isa -ec 10 mm submachine gun.esp

[x] 7_isa -ec 44 magnum.esp

[x] 7_isa -ec alien blaster.esp

[x] 7_isa -ec g3a3.esp

[x] 7_isa -ec mauser.esp

[x] 7_isa -ec sawed off shotgun.esp

[x] cri-squad-new.esp

[x] cri-hq.esp

[x] complete 20th century iornsights compatability.esp

[x] rh_ironsights_basic_pittplugin.esp

[x] rh_ironsights_basic_pointlookoutplugin.esp

[x] rh_ironsights_basic_vanillaplugin.esp

[x] rr manifold holster v16.esp

[x] merged patch.esp




Aah. the "rr manifold holster v16" i have tested and don´t have a problem, is just have a little no important problem in FO3edit, and don´t have problem whit the mess i have reported.

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from the mod's description


Troubleshooting for Red Exclamation Point and Missing Textures


Currently, there are several common reasons that models will NOT display correctly ingame:


~Problem: Mod assets have not been installed to the correct location.

~Solution: Check if you have a /data folder in your /fallout3/data folder (/fallout3/data/data).

FYI - If you weren't asked to overwrite anything when you installed the mod assets, you installed it wrong.


~Problem: ArchiveInvalidation value has not been changed by either manual or automatic programs.

~Solution: Use the option in FalloutModManager (FOMM) or ArchiveInvalidateInvaliated (AII). You can also edit the value yourself in the fallout.ini (not recommended).

FYI - IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ONLY USE ONE ARCHIVEINVALIDATE SOLUTION! Multiple ArchiveInvalidation solutions can conflict with each other and prevent any meshes or textures from loading correctly.

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Thx for help i gonna see that, if don´t works i come bak to ask more.

i think is the CRI for the reason of in the installation he have installed the archive invalidationinvalidadeted, thx for the help if i have more problems i post ^^

Edited by Potatokun
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