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force greet question


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I'm creating a quest mod that's nearing completion, and I'm stuck. There's a character who, when I walk in the door he is supposed to say something to me, I respond with a taunt, then the fight ensues. Problem is, he is immediately hostile.

I have a quest form with quest stages, a dialogue quest form for him, a dialogue trigger script for him, and dialogue quest forms for everyone else involved in the quest. How do I make this work?

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Here's what I got.


Main Quest: Quest objectives and stages but No script

dialogue quest script for above mentioned npc: none



his script:

scn editorID
int TalkedToPlayer
begin OnActivate
StartConversation player Greeting
dialogue trigger references the following script:
Scn aaahisnameDialogueTriggerSCRIPT
short bDoOnce;
begin onTriggerEnter player
if(bDoOnce == 0)
hiseditorIDREF.StartConversation player, GREETING;
set bDoOnce to 1
end ; onTriggerEnter player
Topics tab
What he's supposed to say when I walk in
getisid == 1
under choices: my response
next topic:
info: his final response
prompt: my taunt
goodbye checked
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