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Calling All Dungeon Makers

David Brasher

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You could use some of the modder's resource tilesets. I'm using Mr_Siika's necropolis in mine. No idea where, but I'll jam it in.


There's also a Nordic Tomb tileset, a Telvanni set, Castle Seaview and the Griffon Fortress (Hard to work with, but turns out awesome), and a few others.

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I thank you very much. I fing hate all the vanilla tilesets because I cant get them to make rooms xD Thanks, think I'm going to use the Griffon Fortress. Looks awesome. Might take another day or two, but it will be worth it. Lol. Im also using a modified script of the Dragonbone Cuirass, (just search that, you'll find it, esp. since theres only one) for an Eledions Ward modders resource I have from a while back.
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Okay, so here's the update.


Unfortunately my internet was actually shut off because of a mistake or some kind of unpaid bill that we were never notified about.


My ability to ever log in the internet is not only very rare, but everytime very short. I'll try to do something about getting that file up.... REALLY sorry about all of this.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Well folks, you win some and you lose some. Sometimes the ambitious plans come to naught. But there is always something to be gained from an experience. In this case we actually have a finished mod, even if it is a bit smaller than planned.


The project is finished and the resulting mod from the 10 Dungeons in 10 Days project has been uploaded at this link: Two Dungeons


This thread is terminated, in the sense that I will no longer be monitoring it.

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