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30 day Dungeon Contest


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This contest will NOT begin until the previous one has already ended, please be sure to take the first one seriously and devote attention to it first!

Link to the previous one: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=216410



As a part of that previous contest, although without the merging part of the project with it unless there is someone willing to do that part for us, this will be a contest of dungeon builders.


All experience levels are welcomed. From novice to professional, I am calling a contest of the best dungeon made within a 30 day time period. The rules are as follows to enter this contest:

1: No ripping off ideas from other people.

2: To ensure no ripping off, please don't be overly detailed about your project until it's done. That way if there is two people with similar dungeons, it really is just pure coincidence.

3: Dungeon creation MUST start AFTER the first contest thingy; link above, is over.

4: Dungeons must be completed and turned in, or at least work stopped, by midnight of the 30th day.

5: To officially enter your mod, please specify in upload description that it is a part of this contest, give a link TO this thread, and PM me or post in here the link to your mod. Please be detailed in description.

6: Can not have other mod dependent needs. You can put textures, meshes, sound and all that in if you want, but they must not be dependent upon a different mod being downloaded or active. All resources used must be legal use with permissions.

7: Must contain at the very least 3 different levels. (stories, floors, etc etc)

8: Can be anything dungeon related, alyeid, forts, caves, chargen, castle gone awry or whatever, even Oblivion, it just has to have all the things and dangers that classify it as dungeon. Not just a home in a cave.


After the contest time of 30 days has ended, basically 40 days from this posts date, a one weed (7 day) period of playtesting and all that will be had. People will play them, see how they are, then after the 7th day an official poll for the dungeon will be made and people can vote on what dungeon they thought was best. To vote you must:

1: Have played at the very least 3 different dungeons of the entered mods.

2: Be honest in your opinions.

3: Dungeon Makers that enter their dungeon MUST vote, but NOT on their own mod! That's cheating >_<



The winner will be crowned awesome, and I will personally Kudos the winner for having won :D and you will be recognized as the official "Unofficial Awesome Person", officially.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Are you going to be checking the creation date of the files? I started a .esp just earlier for the other challenge, and I want to preserve the idea for this contest. So the creation date will say a week earlier.
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When you say three levels, do you mean three different areas/cells? This sounds interesting, but at the same time I'm starting to get sick of working with interiors as that's all I've been doing for awhile. Then again it might be fun to try working with tilesets I'm less familiar with like the oblivion caves/towers or the sewers. Can the dungeons be made of tilesets not intended for use as dungeons?
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I'm assuming you can use anything, even modder's resources and freehanded with blocks. Just as long as it's a dungeon.


*Claps mug on table*


You have my axe! I'm in!

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I would imagine that a dungeon could be anything. I have played a mod with a haunted mansion, a mod with a village taken over by zombies, and a mod with a new exterior worldspace full of monsters. There are some good sewer dungeons, and dungeons made up of many blocks or boulders fit together to form chambers and passages.
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Yes. You can use exterior world spaces, including new islands altogether. Such as being thrown into a savage foresty lands no where near Cyrodiil, making your way through ETC.


In my mind what classifies a dungeon as a dungeon, (as per game, rather than common thought) would be a place in which has many areas in which to choose to go, paths that lead to impending doom, and a continual feeling of apprehension about the fact you are always in danger.


Oblivion gates, outside worlds, mansions, sewers, whatever. All are good.


I, myself, am running into certain areas that make no sense to me why it is happening. What I am talking about is sometimes, even when everything is Snap-To-Grip properly, when you try to loop it and connect it somewhere else it does not go perfectly. What I do is I use things that would be seen in those areas such as pillars, boulders, whatever, and I hide the seam. You can improv, by all means please do. Just make sure everything that you do, whether improv, quickie patch, virtual duct tape, whatever, make sure it all LOOKS good. I don't mean "perfect", but feasibly put so that if I could imagine it being a real place that what I am seeing is not out of the question of normality.. If you catch my drift. I don't know, not enough coffee in me. Been a problem lately, my lack of coffee drinking...


Anyways, as to answer the other question about the 10 day thing, sure. Go ahead. Use the previous dunegon as well SO LONG AS you expand on it in such a way that I could easily tell that you put at LEAST 30 days of work in it rather than just barely add anything to a coincidentally awesome 10 day mod. I'm probably going to end up doing the same thing, depending on how long it takes for me to finish my dungeon.

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Oh, also, I don't exactly remember what I stated before, but I would prefer if there were at least 3-4 interior levels, not just a staircase going down to 4 flights in one interior. Remember, you have 30 days. That is plenty enough time to make it a 30 level dungeon!... and.. well.. I kinda have done that.. make it gigantic... in a mod that doesn't work because of how triggerboxes behave differently.. yay.. waste of time for me.. lol.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Ranokoa: The problem you're having with some bits not linking up properly after a loop is because not all pieces follow in the same distances. I first encountered when I used the ramp curves in the aged fort tunnels set. Some are 128 units long, some 256, and they all fit onto the grid. Just a bit off.


The best tileset to avoid that would be the Ayleid ruins set. All the pieces fit as a perfect square, so you don't have to worry about such things.




Still haven't started seriously on mine yet.


Wait, we can use the previous dungeon? Heck yeah, that means my 10-day one is done, and I can hold back the rest of it for the 30 day one.


It won't be too jarring, the sudden end, though.

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