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Will the 5th anniversary edition work with OBSE?


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This is my first post in these forums and I hope that im posting it in the right place.

First, I bought Oblivion and completed it in a few days. I decided to mod it but most of them required OBSE which I could'nt run with ver. 1.0. When I decided to patch it I got an error: "Old file not found. However a file of the same name is found...etc" When I searched about it I came to know that my oblivion.exe was infected with a virus. Then I bought GOTY edition hoping that it would contain the latest version but sadly it had ver. which obse dosen't support. So my question is that if I buy 5th anniversary edition will it run obse out of the box? (without installing updates).

Thank you and please excuse my english.

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The patches are available FREE from the Bethesda site. Be sure you get the right patch - if you have Shivering Isles you need the patch that supports it instead of the patch that does not. The GOTY disk includes Shivering isles, be sure to install it before patching.


OBSE works with that patched version

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Like I said I cant patch my oblivion (including goty) cause oblivion.exe is infected with a virus. I tried reinstalling but it gets infected again. So the updater tells me that no update applied since file contents do not match. My only hope is to get a copy of oblivion which is already patched. Please I really need to run all those cool mods.

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