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Tider Knight


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This is a request for a set of armor called the Tider Knight outfit..it is a really cool looking armor and a lot of people would probably like to have it..i would make it myself but i do not have enough skill to make it i am learning CS and GIMP but cannot create my own meshes and textures and so forth.I dont need some fancy background story or a quest thats all up to the modder if theyw ant to do it or not..all i want is the armor just plain and simple^^


EDIT: i would like it to be made with Roberts male body Bulky pls :D thank you^^



pics: http://imgdekaron.gamehi.co.kr/images/itemshop/item_img/itme4_19_l.jpg




pls to anyone who will make this cant give you anything but my thanks and kudos...and my download

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And by all means people..if you like the idea reply and tell me you like it..cause its more likely to get made if the nice modders know you want it too :thumbsup:
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I would also like it to be a bit stronger than the strongest armor in the game so it wont be useless for it to be made..so i guess a bit stronger than the KOTN armor? or The Perfect Madness armor?


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