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A CM partner garison?


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I was wondering if anyone could make a recomendation as to a house/castle/city/pocketdimension mod out there that

would be ideal for stowing away cm partners in one central location. I love cm partners, but they have a habbit of wandering off if, say, i leave them in a town

or dont take them from their starting location. It would be nice to get them all together so you can keep tabs on them and start up/ switch out a smalll party for quests.


Ive heard that several house mods have a problem with followers getting stuck behind walls to the cell :S (aimlessly wandering in the void):

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1. If you have DLC 'Fighter's Stronghold', check 'Battlehorn Castle Enhanced'. One of its addtions is guest quarter, which can hold up to 10 people.

2. Champion's Mansion. There's underground fortress which can be used as living quarter for your companions.

3. Passwall Adventurer's Club(Requires Shivering Isles). You can use it as free hideout in Shivering Isles.


**Due to game engine issue, it's not recommended to put too many actors in one cell. Not just because of performance hit, but you can see 'brain-dead' actors as well.

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