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Problems getting the game to run

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So I used the FOIP or whatever it's called. I merged the patches. It worked once except the breezes male was nude when I told it to be clothed so I went and reinstalled it to see if that would fix it. But I guess it got worse. Now I can't even get into the main menu. The screen goes black and than I see the spinning thing for the mouse indicating it's loading and than it CTD.
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Program Files(x86)/Games/...


That's where it's been installed and where I install everything. All games have worked so far.

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Program Files(x86)/Games/...


That's where it's been installed and where I install everything. All games have worked so far.

You have run afoul of the evil dictator UAC and his attempts to control the universe


move the game outside of that directory unless you enjoy trying to thwart his evil schemes - constantly

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I have UAC disabled. Also I've never had problems with mods before. Back when I was on 32bit I was doing ok all the time. Is there something like BOSS or Wyre Bash to be able to make a bashed patch so there is less conflicts? I know that FOIP or whatever tells me to download a few things to merge them. Which I'm guessing does the same as Wyre Bash's bashed patch. But I get an error when I run it. Can you tell me what this error means?


[00:12] Background Loader: loading "RTS NW - Volume 2nd.esp"...

[00:12] Background Loader: [RTS NW - Volume 2nd.esp] Loading file

[00:12] Background Loader: [RTS NW - Volume 2nd.esp] File loaded

[00:12] Background Loader: [RTS NW - Volume 2nd.esp] Start processing

[00:12] Background Loader: [RTS NW - Volume 2nd.esp] Adding master "Fallout3.esm"

[00:12] Background Loader: [RTS NW - Volume 2nd.esp] Adding master "RTS NW.esm"

[00:12] Background Loader: [RTS NW.esm] Loading file

[00:12] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2.

The system cannot find the file specified>

[00:12] Background Loader: finished

[00:13] --= Error =--

[00:13] An error occured while loading your active modules.

[00:13] Please look at the log above to determine which of your modules caused that problem.

[00:13] The most likely reason for this is a module file that contains structural errors.


[00:13] !!! No changes have been made to any of your active modules.

[00:13] !!! You have to resolve the problem and run this program again.


[00:13] Loading and saving the problematic module in GECK can sometimes produce

[00:13] a working version. But it is recommended to contact the author of the module

[00:13] to get the original fixed.


EDIT: On second thought I think I found something. I turned off RTS and left the expansions on. I'm turning RTS back on.

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