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Problems with terrain

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I'm currently creating a mod for Oblivion (my first) so excuse me if it turns out to be a common problem but I have made mods for Fallout 3 and Morrowind so I have a rough idea on how to create them I'm unsure on whether it's to do with me or the G.E.C.K and Construction Set work differently despite having similar layouts.


I have provided an image of exactly what happens at the bottom of this post.


Here's what happens, the entire worldspace just turns weird, flying grass, water disappears, terrain doesn't appear as it should and other locations seem to just disappear, despite everything looking normal in the Construction Set.

I have tested this issue with other mods made by me and the same problem happens. It seems that whenever I slightly change the terrain in any way from creating a slight bump or adding a key that leads to nowhere the same thing happens.

I'd also like to say that I do use other mods by other people and they work perfectly fine.


Another thing I noticed is that the terrain is only messed up if I fast travel to that location, but if I travel to somewhere nearby and walk to the location of the mod it's as if the mod never existed since nothing I placed is there.


I'll greatly appreciated it if someone was able to help me and I'm sorry if this turns out to be a common problem but I have searched but to no avail.



I hope you don't mind if I posted it as a link since I didn't want to make this post huge. I'd also like to pint out that the Oblivion Gate was what I added since I was making a mod that gives you a house in Oblivion.



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