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jojo man

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mmm that's such an epic song...have you heard the funny translation of it...I damn near choked laughing at it:



ah sheesh, I'll never hear it the same again :tongue:


Mine would have to be after I spent 3 fricking months on Final Fantasy VI..stuck at the same part. It was ported to the Playstation back in the day and the controls were different from when I remember playing in on SNES. You had to do a button combo move on a boss to kill him. haha, turns out that you had to hit X, do the combo (think it was left right left or something lame like that) and hit X. ARGH! Also had a bout with Silent Hill and the piano bit..I spent MONTHS trying to figure out what the combo was...ah I wish I had the Internet back then :tongue:

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I lied.


My greatest frustration was when a Dark Archon mind controlled my SCV.

I was not happy in what happened 25 minutes later.




The ability to do that is precisely the reason I <3 the Protoss.

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