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Player.additem <ID> <#> Is Insignificantly Responsiv

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Ok. So I've done all the obvious checking that'll satisfy tilde keying's everyday's expectancy.

All the spaces are justified and all the zeroes are in order don't worry.


Heres the deal-i-o,

Whenever I put the code in what the blinkage cursor seems to diminuitively beckon for, what happens is that the left corner top of my game agrees on the code while the rest of the system becomes refusive and dumb.


You see, that agreeing factor of the game is the little pretty message that says "'Item' X 'amount' added".

I've checked every darn item in my inventory and the desired is just not there.

It's completely ignoring the fact that it's technologically superficial and ostracizing the little simple codes of binary provocation that's to have absolute supremacy and administration over it.

In which my finger powered keyboard over them codes should have the very power to do so.. it's the only way to prove that it doesn't have feelings and real power to annoy people...

(By ThE Nines There's a madman at loose!)


Will someone please help me close these gates of malfunctioning oblivion =that evidently acclimatizes the war between the human mandate and our digitally hardwired insanely graphical mAcHiNeS!?


Btw I'm Jack, new here, nice to be on the forums, First post here, *handshakes all around*, howdy, hi, hello thanks for the warm welcomes. ok. Really thanks. kthx bye. cheers.

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Sorry was in hurry forgot to put 'e' on 'responsive' my bad's all good now right. ok. yeppers . haha awkward. bye. please respond. ill cry if you don't. actually no i wont but it's so drastic that i've even thought about it. See. Serious srs businesses.


Bt dubz : **Bump**

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what does additem have to do with closing a gate?


The Additems don't appear in my inventory, malfunctioning gates are completely relevant. Trust me.


So.. do you know how to fix it =/ ?

you're obviously entering the code incorrectly


try this


1 - write down how much gold you have


2 - open console


3 - type in


player.additem f 1 ; note you have to enter the command exactly as typed here (before the ; )


4 - close console


5 - see that your gold has increased by one.


BTW you cannot add a gate to your inventory.

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