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Quest Resetting Mod?


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I have an issue with the paranoia quest where apparently Glarthir got himself killed. I started his quest a long time ago back in the beginning of the game but I figured I would wait to finish the quest so I could get more gold. Now I went back to Skingrad and everyone's saying he died... It shows the paranoia quest is finish in my journal but there are no new entries. I tried resurrecting Glarthir and teleporting him to me with the console but he doesn't even acknowledge i'm helping him with the quest.


I tried to create a simple mod that removed all traces of Glarthir's quest from the game, save then turn off the mod to try and simulate what happends when you reinstall a mod. It did not work and as soon as I turn off the mod everything goes back to normal. I am at a loss as people say there isn't really a way to reset a quest but surely there must be some way. If the quest turns on a series of flags or something wouldn't it be possible to make a mod that reverses that? I know this may seem like a lot of fuss over something rather trivial but I am quite a completionist and If there is anyway I can finish this quest I would really rather not have to leave it like this.

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after some quick searching I found these, try them out and let me know if any of them worked :)




resetquest <base id> - reset quest


Below you may have to use them in reverse order




StartQuest <base id>
StopQuest <base id>


Good luck :)

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Thank you for you replying, I tried the script out in the console and it seems "resetquest" doesn't work. Is it intended to be used only in the CS? The start quest and stop quest commands seem to work but don't seem to change anything. Paranoia is still registered as a completed quest, what exactly is it supposed to do?

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It still says that the script cannot be found, it's the general message for when I input an invalid script. I'm not sure if I'm just inputting something wrong though. I have to go for a few hours but i'll try a few more things when I get back. Thank you for helping me with this.

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try this


stop quest

reset quest


then save, quit, reload


start quest


I am thinking that since the quest was already running the game might be keeping it in memory, by quitting the game and reloading the save you just made, the game won't know anything about the quest till you use the START command on it, hope this works :)

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Unfortunately I don't believe that "resetquest" is a valid script for oblivion. I found that it works in skyrim and fallout but it appears they never implemented it in oblivion. I have looked everywhere and I can find no information regarding resetting quests for oblivion with that command. I only found post that mentioned that with skyrim and I found it on the fallout wikia but nothing for oblivion. :( I have tried it multiple ways and nothing seems to be working.


Is there any workaround I could do with modding to move the quest stage back to the start? That is possible that the game is keeping a memory of the quest though the quest itself shouldn't be running any longer as it comes up in my completed quests list even though I never got around to progressing it at all. They just started saying glarthir turned up dead and I have yet to be able to get glarthir to start up the quest again.

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try this command first


player.sqs <quest ID>


if it works use this


getstage <quest ID>


if that works you now have the information you need


I believe you can revert any stage by typing the following, let's assume that your quest is at stage 15, it would look something like this 15 1

While stage 20 would look something like this 20 0


I THINK that if you were to type


Setstage <quest ID> 15 or maybe 15 0 , it would then turn the 1 back to a 0, if you do that for all stages that have a 1, you are basically resetting the quest stage by stage


try these commands out and let me know :smile:

Edited by gromulos
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Alright, I tried the first one out "player.sqs" and I got a message saying "syntax error player.sqs could not parse this line" I tried the setstage command on my current quest stage and it appeared to do nothing so I tired "setstage ms38 8 0" and I got a message that said something like expected end of line. If there's a chance I'm just doing something wrong I could post a screenshot if that would help.

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you did it right unfortunately it looks like the OB engine is just too old, sorry but I don't know of anything else to try :sad:


here is EVERYTHING from the OB console command site



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