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Spoil Me: Tell me about what happens in Leliana's Song...


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The only dwarf in it dies! BLASPHEMY! :mad:

Yea, I think it's a stature thing. We're being overlooked. We need to stand up for ourselves!


What's that? We already are? Oh... Then we better find another approach quick! ;D

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I think I will still wait a while before getting this; DA has lost much of its elan for me; I played it too much and I am real life busy whilst trying to play ME2... :whistling:


Still, I appreciate the imput DannScott and Thandal... :thumbsup:

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  • 4 weeks later...

The DLC does sound interesting might go and download it a little later pity there was not something similar for Morrigan perhaps explaining more about her motivations :)



Edit. On reflection that may come in DAO2 perhaps ? ( The Morrigan bit that is )

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@Space; There seem to be two specific reactions to Leliana's Song, either you love it, or you hate it, with very little middle gound. I thought it was the best DLC since TSP, (but then I fell for Leli as soon as I heard her speak in the Lothering tavern, so I'm biased. ;D )


In LS, you are "experiencing" an event in her past, so you aren't playing as "your" Warden. That seems to be at the root of a lot of the dissatisfaction people have expressed (based on what I've read over on the BioWare Social forums). If you recognize that it's a different narrative framework than DA:O/A, and you're ok with that, you should have a ball! :thumbsup:

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Downloaded and played it through now and it was well worth the money for n engaging little adventure . Was a shame about Tug but the storyline did give more insight into Leliana`s motivation . Wouldn`t mind seeing more DLC dedicated to one of the group characters to give a little more fleshing out of their stories.
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Plot Summary Please. :smile:


Worth Getting Please. :smile: ?


Also you get a nice set of Armor which crosses over to DOA and Awakenings If you find all the items you need for it.<G>

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Downloaded and played it through now and it was well worth the money for n engaging little adventure . Was a shame about Tug but the storyline did give more insight into Leliana`s motivation . Wouldn`t mind seeing more DLC dedicated to one of the group characters to give a little more fleshing out of their stories.


I am hoping they do one for Zevran. Although I don't really like him when his approval is low, little backstabber, I have have gotten him higher recently to where he tells me about his lost love killed during his previous assignment. I would like to see a DLC for that story since I just finally have gotten to hear about his past. ( I usually kill him)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Downloaded and played it through now and it was well worth the money for n engaging little adventure . Was a shame about Tug but the storyline did give more insight into Leliana`s motivation . Wouldn`t mind seeing more DLC dedicated to one of the group characters to give a little more fleshing out of their stories.


I am hoping they do one for Zevran. Although I don't really like him when his approval is low, little backstabber, I have have gotten him higher recently to where he tells me about his lost love killed during his previous assignment. I would like to see a DLC for that story since I just finally have gotten to hear about his past. ( I usually kill him)


Yes I found out what a little backstabber he can be as well. Kind of surprised me at first to have one of my party members turn against me. Of course we have to also remember that he was sent to kill you in the first place.<G>

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There are a few inconsistencies in the story of Leliana's Song however. For one thing when she tells you the story in DA:O she definitely remarks that she was captured by the Orlesian Guard who showed up with an arrest warrant (Not caught in the act with documents of the Orlesian Military inside Denerim. Also she mentioned that Marjolaine had forged documents to make it appear that she was stealing information and selling it. Not that she had military documents that she was caught with red handed. Again caught in the wrong country as well lets not forget. These inconsistencies in the story rather annoyed me. However I did find the module to be rather decent otherwise. I especially liked the stealth aspect of sneaking around the Denerim market.
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