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  1. Kinda like a lion mane? No just no lol. What he's likely referring to is a lower half ninja face cover. Not blocking the eyes but covering the nose, it drops down to below the neck wrapping fully around the head.
  2. You don't need a download manager or anything to improve your download speeds anyways lol. Anyways I didn't even know dial up still existed or was used. My suggestion is to ask a friend to download it or yes go visit a local library with a flash drive. Or if you went to a school like mine then use one of their comps instead.
  3. Oh I love those viruses that hide as a fake virus scanner. Sure takes an hour or so to get rid of once it's seated deep into the registry. If ya ever get it hit me up on a pm or something and I'll give you a quick step by step to fixing it. The fix shouldn't be too difficult between different windows versions just requires a changed tactic for each. And if you've got this said virus you'll know. Because it breaks majority of your shortcuts on the desktop except for whatever was open when ya get it.
  4. Uncheck all boxes. Start a new character and save then recheck all the boxes. Note you don't need to do this with official DLC
  5. You're a human aren't ya? And honestly it allows for an even more wrapping story. Your character will be fully voiced and will actually speak in conversations instead of say standing their like a lemon.
  6. The games climax (high point) is unfortunately just before the final bit of the game when you either save/burn the city of Amaranthine or rescue/let fall Vigil's Keep. The fighting for those is far more impressive then that annoying final areas confrontation with the pathetically easy "Mother"
  7. The problem with that is that a majority of people would rather have other people do the research and looking for them. They are what we call sheep. Others of us take our time to go out and learn something so that we could do it ourselves and occasionally explain to sheep what they are supposed to do by prodding them with a large Shillelagh stick. Unfortunately when we get fed up with the blasted sheep grazing around continuing to do what they always do we try to beat them with the Shillelagh and get called assholes.
  8. You would need to edit the dialogs for people and modify the attributes for possible decisions from there. With a question or objective giving options I will go at this from a more complex system then what dragon age uses. This system is of course from Mass Effect 2. Each character likes a certain type of thing and so for a quick example of how this plays out on dragon age with the sacred ashes.. Piss on sacred ashes:::: take sacred ashes and leave it alone::: You would need to go through each dialog option and modify the affection change for each affection modifying choice. For a party conversation style it's a hell of a lot easier with a simple Option A: - affection, Option B: + affection, Option C: no change
  9. *makes a huge rant and rages then says forget it about doubling a post* http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/235443-is-it-me/
  10. danscott is rather correct in what he says. Also adding onto that the arrows of the time period from this were typically barbed or had a true arrow head unlike more modern arrows that just have a 'point'. This means that not only does it get lodged inside and cause damage but to even remove it would cause massive amounts of damage either way. Since those arrowheads don't just sit perfectly lined up with the holes. As for shooting a sealed can (Whether it be a soda, paint, soup or anything that has a seal) that is a completely different thing. That's more to do with the explosive force of the shots kinetic energy mixing with the sealed can's contents. As it hits with such a force and so fast it causes the contents to need to leave. And so the contents using the explosive kinetic energy forces the cans sides to burst back at a rapid speed. Sort of like how when a plane will explosively depressurize in a way. Although this is a far fetched theory since you can depressurize one of these from the outside. The contents wants to escape in the fastest way possible and so it ends up enlarging the hole.
  11. For continuation. You can certainly without a doubt expect to experience some of the beginnings of the blight before you finally escape to Kirkwall. Now once you are in the Free Marches the continuity starts to slacken. Of course you're sure to hear about the hero of Ferelden's exploits of stopping the blight and/or said hero surviving and such and the outcomes of awakening whether it uses the "hero of Ferelden" or an Orlesian warden. Now once you get past this you shouldn't really expect too much changes. For once thing it takes place in a completely different country. People will probably be talking about the blight but it's going to be about as important as the Iraq war is to your every day American (Nobody cares unless you were there). You're in a new country with brand new person. It isn't like Mass Effect>Mass Effect 2 where you stay in control of Commander Shepard. This is more like Kotor 1 to Kotor 2. I mean sure Revan was either a great Jedi or a dangerous Sith but who really cares, he aint you and you weren't there for the majority of the events (Kotor 2s main character was said to have served with Revan during the Mandalorian Wars as a general).
  12. That is true of course. But then again you could probably say the same for any military leader that does rise to power. Napoleon is rather famous because his bid for European control (But did you know the Louisiana purchase which gave the US quite a big chunk of land from the french was done because of Napoleon?). Julius Caesar and then his adopted son Octavian (Augustus) also did something rather similar. I would actually go and compare Loghain to a well known Englishmen by the name of Oliver Cromwell. I think he's the only man in history to be known as a regicidal dictator. His family was at the bottom of the gentry level and he was a pretty good military commander. He of course wasn't exactly as low birthed as Loghain but he was thought of as a hero to the people and is rated very high in polls for top Britons. He effectively ruled the British isles with the title "Lord Protector", was one of the signers of the death sentence to King Charles.
  13. Go look for a decent action RPG. Bioware released a game called "Jade Empire" which is an action styled RPG (You control your own attacks). It's not an open world and each different location requires you to go through a loading screen, but attacking is done in an action style and not "Point and Click" as you imply dragon age is.
  14. Bidelles Makeup Studio Pineappletree's Vibrant Colors CC Extra Tints and Tones Chargen Package More Hair Bidelle has a combined chargenmorphcfg.xml file for all 5 of them which I recommend grabbing instead of fusing them yourself. I'd also suggest the Dragon Age Redesigned Version 7-3 but since this will be your first play through you might not want to use it, since it edits the looks of a vast majority of characters and imo for the better. Also I doubt that this is any different from normal but for these kinds of mods they go into C:\Document and Settings\(Your name or comp name)\My Documents\Bioware\package\core\override If the mod comes in dazip form then you can just double click and install it with the damodder tool that comes with da:origins.
  15. Comparing Loghain and Napoleon is rather unintelligent anyways. Napoleon managed to conquer most of Europe and only miscalculated the cold weather of the Russian winter. Loghain pulled a little Benedict Arnold. I think in France Napoleon is still considered a hero. Not to mention he was the emperor and gained it much in the same way that Augustus Caesar did. I don't think there is any precedents in history where a general quit a field and let his king be killed then attempted to claim the thrown himself. If one does exist it would probably exist somewhere within the Roman Empire where generals who became emperors would often end up with another general succeeding them (Although typically through assassination)
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