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Adrenaline Blind NPC


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Hello again it appears im having yet another mod issue. I downloaded Adrenaline Oblivion mod that dupes the existing enemy NPCs for larger battles. And i read in the readme that there was a blind NPC AI bug that was fixed. But apparently it was not, at least i still experience it.


So far i noticed that this only with flame and storm atronachs they will completely ignore me as i walk up to them, if i commence the attack they will fight back, their spells seem to fire accurately but when they try to attack me in melee they seem to have trouble finding me unless im right next to me, but i could be imagining that last part.


Anyway if any of you know what could be causing such behavior and how to fix it, i would appreciate the help. I have the construction set but know very little about how to use it.

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