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crash after removing plugin

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started using a plugin recently. It appeared to work without problems. Then I decided to take it out. Now my game crashes. Not right away, but as soon as my character goes outside.


I then put the plugin back and loaded. Fine. Took my character to a location outside Waited 72 hours. Saved. Took the plugin out again. Now it crashes when I enter an interior!


I've looked at the plugin, both in the CS and with tes4edit. The plugin itself looks fine. It's one script on a lever, an added interior, and a modification to the base oblivion gate object. I can't see what the problem could be. The plugin is one that adds a reusable oblivion gate that is accessible after the main quest.


Anyway, i'm wondering what I should do now. I have saves of this character from before this plugin, but they are from back in november or so. :o


I thought about cleaning or editing the save, but Wrye Bash lacks the cleaning features that Wrye Mash (Morrowind) had.


Thanks in advance. :)

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Try this method.


Place your char in an exterior location then save, exit Oblivion to desktop and delete ( deactivate ) the mod. then launch Oblivion, you will get the usual message about missing content, just click ok then save again and exit back to desktop, then re-launch Oblivion and see if that works....It might and it might not, but that's the best advice I can give.

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  On 7/7/2010 at 10:51 PM, slygothmog said:

Try this method.


Place your char in an exterior location then save, exit Oblivion to desktop and delete ( deactivate ) the mod. then launch Oblivion, you will get the usual message about missing content, just click ok then save again and exit back to desktop, then re-launch Oblivion and see if that works....It might and it might not, but that's the best advice I can give.

If that does not work: Updating Saves <-- Try going to the testing hall and then try the dummy plugin method.

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Played around with the situation soem more, taking the advice here. :)


No dice. the crash is during *saving* so I can't clear the character out by saving it with the plugin out. Arrg. Even tried to make a "Fake" version fo the plugin to fool it. Nope.


I guess I'm going to have to find a utility for editing saves (not plugins). Or start a new character.

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  On 7/8/2010 at 10:14 PM, blockhead37 said:

Played around with the situation soem more, taking the advice here. :)


No dice. the crash is during *saving* so I can't clear the character out by saving it with the plugin out. Arrg. Even tried to make a "Fake" version fo the plugin to fool it. Nope.


I guess I'm going to have to find a utility for editing saves (not plugins). Or start a new character.

There isn't a utility for editing saves, not in the way that you would need, at least. You cannot COC anywhere to a safe location...?

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  On 7/9/2010 at 12:35 AM, blockhead37 said:

can coc but then ... can't save.

That stinks. It looks like you'll be creating a new character. If you use Bash you can import your current character's face, if that is important to you.


Import-Edit-Export Character's Face - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/index.php?page=tutorial_import-edit-export_character_face

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