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Model 1887 shotgun/AA12 Shotgun?


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Hey there! If this is the wrong section let me know.


Does anyone here know where to find a downloadable Model 1887 Lever-Action Shotgun?



Or is anyone here capable of making one?



Im a fan of "older" weapons, like the Springfield,Mg42 etc and my collection doesnt seem complete without this shotgun.




Oh, and also the good AA-12 Shotgun.



I found one here on the site but there was problems with it like 1st shot didnt count, shot even after you stopped clicking etc.



If any or both of these shotguns can be found that would be greatly appreciated.

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Yeah, the 19th/20th Century Weapons mod actually has every single weapon named in the OP. Last I checked though, the MG42 was replaced by the MG34. There's still an MG3, as well as, if I remember correctly, two versions of the AA12 and two versions of the Winchester M1887 (drum/magazine and sawed-off/full-length barrel, respectively.)
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Is it just the simple "drag contents into data folder" like all weapon mods or is this more complicated?


-looks at the files structure and the mod description- Yes it's pretty much drag and drop :), if you're stuck the description should describe most of the stuff that comes with the mod. You'll also have to activate archiveinvalidation, if you have fallout mod manager you can easily activate this.

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Okay....I did what I did "normally" and Fallout 3 ran fine, waited 5 days but nothing appeared.



Im wondering if I need to find all the weapons manually and insert them one by one........


So no NPCs have the new weapons? Super Mutants? Raiders? Talon Company? No one?


What mods have you activated?

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You probably need to activate the other .esp's installed along with 20th Century Weapons. The 20th Century Weapons.esm basically just presents resources for the .esp's to use. So you'll need to activate 20th Century v5 ALIVE (Containers).esp (or whatever it's called, mine is a version behind, I think) before you'll start seeing the mod's new weapons and ammo types appearing in containers. I personally play with all the 20th Century ALIVE .esp's active except the "TEST Container" one (which adds some lockers in Vault 101 and Alexandria Arms that are fully stocked with all the new weapons, for testing or just goofing around, I suppose.)
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