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Struggling with SkyRe (too difficult?)


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First off let me apologise if this is the wrong forum for this kind of post, there's too many to choose from!


I'm still relatively new to Skyrim and I finished my first play through the other day. I decided to start a new one with Skyrim Redone along with Immersive Creatures, Immersive Patrols and plenty of other things.


I started a new game with Alternate Start as a Stormcloak Soldier and after leaving Windhelm i was attacked by a couple of Rieklings one of which was on one of those warthog type things. To my surprise i was killed almost instantly. I reloaded and this time came across 3 Imperial Soldiers with a Stormcloak captive who i tried to set free. Again I was killed after just a couple of hits from one of the Imperials even though he was only hitting my shield.


What I'd like to know is if it's supposed to be that hard and I need to basically run away from everyone and everything until I level up or has something gone wrong with my installation of the above mods resulting in unbalanced damage/health stats?




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Well one thing to keep in mind is that you had probably gained levels in several skills before you even lef the tutorial last time. Now you're starting at level 1 in an area of the world that is less hospitable. You might want to hop in the cart Whiterun and start your adventures in that area.
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SkyRe is modular, one module consist of minimal levels for enemies in various zones. As far as I remember they were specified in Readme. Thus LAL isn't really good thing to use with SkyRe becouse you either start in Whiterun hold anyway or struggle a lot. You can also disable SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp to get rid of those minimum levels. Although I don't know if this will affect your savegame, so either disable it and start a new game or just go to Whiterun.

As SkyRe is my must-be mod I usually level up by hunting around Whiterun, doing Bleak Falls Barrow quest and bounty quests in this hold to gain some levels and gold (with Bounty Gold mod, try it out, but don't go overboard with values! :) )

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There aren't supposed to be any rieklings outside windhelm, they're high level monsters, obviously you are using mods that don't fit SkyRe.

I was very careful with my mod selection and Skyrim Immersive Creatures is the only mod I have that changes the wildlife/monsters etc. Naturally I installed the SIC and SkyRe patch and let LOOT order the load.

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