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I'm working on a mod and need some help please


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hi, I recently started a mod of my own in which I will be making placeable lights. this works perfectly with movable static objects as you can pick them up and place them. what i'm having problems with however is making static objects lights. when I pick them up in game and place them they are suspended in mid air and unable to be moved or positioned. I suspect this is because they are not movable static objects. is there a way to make a static object a movable static object? I have a feeling that just moving a mesh into a movable static object file will not work...
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You are correct, the mesh needs to have a Hovok collision to work properly as a movable static. I'm not sure if this will help but I have uploaded a moders resource where I've placed the proper collisions on many objects including the hotel lamp, the nuka cola lamp, the vault lamp, Little lamp light lamps, and many many more previously static objects.


heres the link. (below in my signature)


Chucks Havok Friendly nifs Modders Resource

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It was done by taking off the collision data with nifscope, then going into blender and adding a new havok friendly collision. Finally, back to nifscope to make them usable by the game again. Its ben somewhat of a big learning curve for me. I, at first, didn't get ether program but, obviously I'm starting to get my head around Them. :biggrin:


I just took a look at your mod, looks nice I'll have to check it out. One question, are the alien lights already movable statics? If not let me know and I'll fix them up for you. I'm assuming they came from Zeta, I haven't modded much with its assets, I have them though. I'm just not familiar with what is static or not.




Edit: Also, if you need any other static objects that I haven't yet given a havok collision too, feel free to ask. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about working with these programs so, any useful practice is always welcome. :yes:

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the alien lights are movable already :P thanks though...


Also, if you need any other static objects that I haven't yet given a havok collision too, feel free to ask. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about working with these programs so, any useful practice is always welcome.

thanks I'll keep this in mind :D

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Hi, I'm working with my mod in the GECK and when declaring a reference in a script it won't let my use a reference >:( it keeps saying it's invalid even though it's a reference! what I'm trying to do is take an object and through a message replace the object with another... [edit] this problem is fixed now...i think [edit]


there is another problem though it is refering to a line of code that doesn't exist i think... its in the image below

here's my script thus far...




this script won't work because the references in it are wrong I think, because it won't let me use my real references :(


If anyone knows anything about scripting can you help me please...

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You've got a couple of issues...


'Ref" is a variable declaration command and would normally be located where your other declarations are, like at the top with the 'Float' declarations. I don't know what you were attempting by starting a command with 'ref''.


I don't believe that the compiler likes references that begin with numbers. They must start with letters.

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