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[wip] Ultimate Cheater's Mod


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Suggestion: Put the cheat arrows back in. That way we can get the one-hit kill effect and combine it with some other bow's effect. (One of the more useful combinations would be Soul Trap, since there doesn't seem tobe a cheaty way to recharge your magic items, outside of the Varla Stone of Unlimited Power mod.)


Another suggestion, if it's possible: Add a spell to levitate bodies, either living or dead. That would be an amusing way to kill people, as well as an easy way to move around corpses.


Iv'e already re-added the arrows but haven't uploaded a newer version yet. I spent the past week working on a Fireworks Display mod. Now that I'm done with it (it's far from finished but I don't plan on continuing it) I will get back to this mod.


I still haven't made up my mind about levitation spells. I personally don't share the enthusiasm for them, but several people have asked for one so I won't completely rule it out. It's not high on my to-do list though. ;)





My Rain Of Spoons project is started :) Now the spoon spawns, gets high in the air, falls down, and gets up high again :)

I use the

OnTrigger event. How do I "read" who/what my spoon fell on? My quick sample here, this is only "pseudocode":


scriptname rainofspoons

ref TheSpoon

ref PoorSoul


Begin OnTrigger

set TheSpoon = GetSelf

set PoorSoul = ???


if (PoorSoul.IsCreature) || (PoorSoul.IsNPC) then

PoorSoul.damage 5

end if




Assuming you are creating this as a spell script effect, you would want "set PoorSoul = GetSelf". In scripted spells, the target becomes the caster when processing the script.


Now, as I previously told you, this really belongs in a new thread, not in this one. I'm more than willing to help you, but this isn't the place.



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How about the option to drastically reduce the cost of spells, so that we could make our own spells without having to be highly trained mages (my primary character is a high level altmer, but my secondary- an imperial thief is sorely lacking in magical capability)


A similar effect for enchantments would be cool, so I can make a decent sword without having to recharge it every 10 hits.


A spell to clone yourself and have the clones fight alongside you.


A spell which teleports the target NPC a few hundred feet directly above their current location, causing them to fall to their doom. Should be disabled indoors to avoid nasty bugs


The ability to somehow hit targets with melee attacks without having to be close to them


Haste/Slow spells to double/cut in half the movement and attack speed of yourself/the target


A Bullet Time spell to drastically reduce the speed of all arrows and projectile spells, allowing the player to dodge them effortlessly.


A suicide bomb spell To allow the player to trigger a huge explosion on themselves and be launched clear by the blast. (should not actually damage player)


And finally, telekinesis spells that affect enemies/NPCs. Just in case you were in doubt as to the interest in that.






P.S. Did you find out what went wrong in my save file, why I couldn't get into the arena?

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Omega Again, with an interesting idea. I could see how this could be called a cheat, so that's why I'm posting it here. A way to make weapons stronger without having to spend hours and hours enchanting them. My idea includes a stone, that when equipped, acts like a sigil stone in a manner, but not by bestowing enchantment, but by adding an effect, or variable to the weapon.


1:Increase base damage by low %.

First enchant, a low percentage increase of damage. Not much, but easily noticed.


2:Increase base damage by low%, stacking with the fist.

Second step, it could be 3%, 5%, or it could be 3%, 3%. Whatever.


3:Increase base damage by low%, Stacking with the others, include a choice for element bonus damage.

Now, it gets interesting. The three percentages stack, and you get to choose, frost, fire, shock, or none. If none, you could have a base number added to base damage to include the bonus one would get from an element, so they don't get left out.


4:Increase base damage by low%, Stacking, Further increase chosen element (Or increased base bonus for none)

Simple, but it's starting to get complex.


5:Increase base damage med%, stacking, no element bonus, chance of breaking extremely low.

Now it's on their ass. If they go past four, the gain is higher, but a risk is encroching apon them.


6:Increase base damage med%, Stacking, bonus %, chance of breaking low.

Risk gets higher, as the reward is greater.


7:Increase base damage high%, Stacking, bonus med%, Chance of breaking mild.

Rolls get tighter, higher your luck, higher your chances of success.


8:Increase base damage high%, Stacking, Bonus med%, High chance of breaking.

Last shot at success.


9:Increase base damage 100% of current, double stacking, bonus high%, extreme chance of breaking.

If they're lucky, let'em have their reward. It's about time LUCK actually effected something in the game.


10:Break item.

Hey, they let greed get the best of them. Poor slobs.


Since I use Waalx's Atlantian Broadsword, I get a good edge early on, but at about level 12ish I start having to actually fight for my life. And at 20, The weapon is nearly useless. I don't want to enchant it, because of the crappy glow stuff, And that'd be demeaning to a sword of such high quality. Using magic, Feh.

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Ultimate Cheat Mod v1.3 has been released.



- re-added the cheater's arrows due to popular demand

- removed the weapon selection menu from the chest so all items are now accessible

- added spell DEATH STORM

- added spell RING OF FIRE

- "Naked Females" renamed to "Female Strippers"

- I stopped working on this for a week or so and didn't write down what I had changed so there may be other changes I haven't listed.


Also, I've been working on a clone spell but I cannot get it to work correctly. The script is in the mod if someone wants to poke at it but I don't add the spell to the player by default.



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I still haven't made up my mind about levitation spells. I personally don't share the enthusiasm for them, but several people have asked for one so I won't completely rule it out. It's not high on my to-do list though. ;)

Nonono, you misunderstand me. I want the Telekinesis effect (or something similar) to work on dead bodies. I don't care for levitation myself, what with the cities you have to "zone" in and out of.


However, a permanent "slow fall" effect while the cheats are on would be handy.

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Add a spell that drops a flaming rock on your target. Only 1 rock though not 100s.


Add a spell that opens a menu listing every console cheat you know.


Add an Amulet that gives a boost of 35 to all stats and attributes.


Add a spell that spawns 8 bandits.mauraders,or goblins to fight a group of 8 imperial palace guard,random guards from all towns in random order and numbers,and random blades with equipable armor,and to do all of that the spell opens a menu which you can pick which sets of summons to battle.


well thats all my ideas hope you put them in.

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make it so some times when u kill somebody ur weapon gets stuck in their flesh. :D


or make a spell that turns people into random objects like corn. and make so u can eat them. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all,


I apologize for the lack of updates. Real life interfered for a couple of weeks and with that break I've pretty much lost interest in Oblivion. While I don't like abandoning unfinished projects, any future work I would do on this would be half-hearted at best and would not be satisfactory.


If anyone else is interested in continuing this mod, I give my full permission as long as credit is given where due.



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  • 8 months later...
Is there any chance you (or anyone) could make a version of this that doesn't put the Polymorph Wolf spell on the Wabbajack staff? I tried fixing it, but it didn't help. That spell is really broken; it affects inanimate objects.
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Is there any chance you (or anyone) could make a version of this that doesn't put the Polymorph Wolf spell on the Wabbajack staff? I tried fixing it, but it didn't help. That spell is really broken; it affects inanimate objects.


I could probably reinstall the CS and remove the Polymorph Wolf spell completely. I've been playing Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles lately and have been considering doing a few more mods. No guarantees though.



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