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Left arm scale issue


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Only the Hand seems to be larger. This should be caused by the usage of the Pipboy which also requires another hand model (because of the glove).


I dont know why im so interested (just a game) but i decided to fix this. From my long searching i can say many ppl got the same issue and doesn't even noticed they got 1 arm bigger. It can be related to game versions.


The bug affect whole left arm not only hand (its a little thicker, ankle is a little lower than in right arm etc.) so its only related with a arm mesh. I checked the model and its everything ok with it. The problem is in parameter file(i have no idea where to look for that) The enlarge affects all meshes in place of left arm, thats why body/armor mods dosent fix it. It would be easier to just use console but so far i know it works only on whole object/character (setscale). I'm gonna keep working on it. U should check your fallout character, because u can have the same bug.


better sceen with default and moded character.



Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Sorry for horrible spelling ...i should start learning english someday.

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had the same gorilla arm on my girl after installing


DIMONIZED Expiremental female small hands



After putting Manicured French Nails on top of that, the problem was fixed for me. Made no real sense to me but Iam happy with my girl now :biggrin:


Hope this helps you also.

Nice one :thumbsup:

replacing the hand model should work.

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@ wisimiwara


Do you have equal distortions as on my screenshots when aiming 2h weapons?


Which game version and localization are you running and is it a steam version?




i noticed a problem with the rifle aim animation and thought it has to do with some body mods i used. but after reinstall the problem persits and still messes up a lot of animations.






here is a screenshot after a complete reinstall without modifications


it is easier to notice on the first screenshot but its definitly not caused by a mod.





I spent the whole weekend trying to find the source of that issue and pretty much gave up. If someone still got a hint - shoot <3

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