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Mod request: Refuse Nocturnal's deal.


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Hey, I'm making this request because the only mod I can find that did this no longer works and hasn't been updated in over two years.


I want a mod that allows me to essentially tell Nocturnal to screw herself. I mean, I'm the Dragonborn, I can kill Alduin, Harkon & Miraak without any deal, why do I need to sell my soul to kill Mercer Frey?


I really like the Thieves Guild questline, but my Dragonborn despises the Daedra and would never sell his soul to one, yet I am forced to do so in order to finish the questline.

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Get Destroy The Thieves Guild and just kill them all, including Karliah. You still get the Skeleton Key. Don't know if you can get the Eyes of the Falmer, but meh.


If the mod you were using stopped working, it's because of a conflict with a mod you've added since then, and you need to address that directly.


If a mod has not been updated in 2 years, it probably didn't need to be updated. If there's nothing to update, then there's nothing to update. If it's not broken, there's nothing to fix. Mods do not always need to be updated to effectively perform their core function, and no one is obligated to ensure compatibility of their mod with other mods that come after.

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Not quite true. Oftentimes a patch may break a mod and it won't work anymore. this mod was made before some patches and abandoned by the author similar to a mod I'm looking to fnd a replacement for that allows you to make anywhere a player home

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Not quite true. Oftentimes a patch may break a mod and it won't work anymore. this mod was made before some patches and abandoned by the author similar to a mod I'm looking to fnd a replacement for that allows you to make anywhere a player home


Indeed. The mod was broken by patch 1.6 and hasn't been fixed/updated since.

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Lol with all the souls I've sold I better go ahead and become a draugr. Anyways the entire point of this part of the quest, is that you're not supposed to like it. You have to make a sacrifice in order to proceed. You can choose to not make the sacrifice but you won't be able to continue with Karliah. Sometimes you have to make a difficult decision in life, there isn't always an easy way out.

Edited by Valkasha
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Lol with all the souls I've sold I better go ahead and become a draugr. Anyways the entire point of this part of the quest, is that you're not supposed to like it. You have to make a sacrifice in order to proceed. You can choose to not make the sacrifice but you won't be able to continue with Karliah. Sometimes you have to make a difficult decision in life, there isn't always an easy way out.


Well, ignoring the fact that this shouldn't affect making a mod, I have to disagree. It's not a "Bad choice" it's a stupid choice. Mercer Frey isn't nearly as powerful as Alduin, Harkon, Miraak or the Dragon Priests etc, and you don't need a deal to defeat them.


It's bad/lazy writing on Bethesda's part, nothing else. They could've had the quest play out very differently if you refuse to sell your soul and go after Mercer regardless. Have Mercer be significantly stronger, have Karliah die and have you fight off Brynjolf as well as Mercer.



Also I'm pretty sure in thecoruse of Dragonborn yo sell your soul t o Hermeus Mora.


Are you sure? I always interpreted it as herma just deciding you had, rather than you actually doing so.

Edited by Doozerpindan
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I never said bad choice. And yes you do, did you even listen to what they were telling you? Do you even know what nocturnal's favor does?


Yes, it's supposed to increase your luck and give you the power of a Nightingale. But, and here's the thing, if Nocturnal is able to affect my luck so drastically, how am I able to defeat all these incredibly powerful foes without her help? Also, isn't her ability to affect Tamriel greatly diminished without the skeleton key, so how is she able to affect me at all regardless?

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I suspect thatd the writers of the Guild quests were told to write them as if they were the PC's only allegiance, which I personally like. Pretty much none of the storylines make much sense on the heels of the last. I'd rather play a character who is committed to the Thieves Guild OR the Companions OR the College OR the Dark Brotherhood than somebody who is absurdly not just a member but also the leader of all four. There is basically no narrative where that makes sense.


Anyway, that is all well beside the point. If anybody doesn't like the idea they can just not download the mod. I think the story makes perfectly good sense if the PC refuses to become a Nightengale, doesn't get the armor, and then returns the Skeleton Key for the good of the Thieves Guild.

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