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Help Me Please...... :((


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Using the "Search" function at the top of any Fallout 3 Nexus page and left clicking on "Advanced Search" will take you to another page. Enter "Jill Valentine" in the "description contains" field and left clicking submit will give you 3 results for either JillBSAA, Jill Valentine BSAA, Jill BSAA Book of Eli and 2 results for Jill BSAA camo retex.

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Any person wanting to re-upload the mod would need to obtain permission from its author before doing so, otherwise they'd risk their accounts on this site. Unfortunately, if no permission is given, you'll have to go without.


Who cares whether someone else uploads a copy of the mod that they have. Give credit to the creator if you must but the creator doesn't own the rights to the mod, ZeniMax does as they are the creator of the game. Their mod would not exist if it was not for the game itself and let us look at the company rules pertaining to the rights to ALL mods and creations by other users.


"You may not (a) distribute, publicly perform or display, sell, transmit, publish, edit, reproduce, sublicense, rent, lease, loan or otherwise transfer any Game, Software, and/or Content, including without limitation any access keys; (b) modify, adapt, reverse engineer or decompile the Software, or otherwise attempt to derive source code from the Software; © create any derivative works based upon any Services; (d) otherwise use any Services except as expressly provided in this Agreement; (e) copy or download any Software or Content unless the Content is Downloadable Content or You are otherwise expressly authorized to do so in writing by ZeniMax; and/or (f) remove, obscure, or alter copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices affixed to any Services. Any commercial use is prohibited absent written permission by an authorized representative of ZeniMax. "


So technically every single mod that is made is the property of ZeniMax, creator of the game.


I doubt any file listed on this website has the express written consent from ZeniMax to alter, remove, obscure any of their game files. So your reply is both amusing as it is pointless. I understand that they created the mod/outfit/item/weapon/etc., etc., but the mod they created belongs to ZeniMax. This is why they can not technically sell their item for real money.


Using the "Search" function at the top of any Fallout 3 Nexus page and left clicking on "Advanced Search" will take you to another page. Enter "Jill Valentine" in the "description contains" field and left clicking submit will give you 3 results for either JillBSAA, Jill Valentine BSAA, Jill BSAA Book of Eli and 2 results for Jill BSAA camo retex.


Okay, I entered the search as you said. I got 12 items which said Jill Valentine in their description. When I looked over every one of those files, they said that I needed a required mod called:


Jill Valentine BSAA Outfit TYPE 3



Which is not there of course...... it has been removed from Nexus.


Someone sent me a pm to download the file from somewhere else, problem is the last time I did that I got a virus and had to buy a new computer because of it. So that option is out. As the file does nopt belong to anyone other then ZeniMax, I request again that someone who has it re-upload it to the Nexus Site. If you want to add a credit to the creator, go ahead. It doesn't matter if they created it or not. They never got permission from ZeniMax to Alter their game so technically they can not complain when someone else uploads a file because it has been removed from the Nexus website.

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Any person wanting to re-upload the mod would need to obtain permission from its author before doing so, otherwise they'd risk their accounts on this site. Unfortunately, if no permission is given, you'll have to go without.


Who cares whether someone else uploads a copy of the mod that they have. Give credit to the creator if you must but the creator doesn't own the rights to the mod, ZeniMax does as they are the creator of the game. Their mod would not exist if it was not for the game itself and let us look at the company rules pertaining to the rights to ALL mods and creations by other users.


"You may not (a) distribute, publicly perform or display, sell, transmit, publish, edit, reproduce, sublicense, rent, lease, loan or otherwise transfer any Game, Software, and/or Content, including without limitation any access keys; (b) modify, adapt, reverse engineer or decompile the Software, or otherwise attempt to derive source code from the Software; © create any derivative works based upon any Services; (d) otherwise use any Services except as expressly provided in this Agreement; (e) copy or download any Software or Content unless the Content is Downloadable Content or You are otherwise expressly authorized to do so in writing by ZeniMax; and/or (f) remove, obscure, or alter copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices affixed to any Services. Any commercial use is prohibited absent written permission by an authorized representative of ZeniMax. "


So technically every single mod that is made is the property of ZeniMax, creator of the game.


I doubt any file listed on this website has the express written consent from ZeniMax to alter, remove, obscure any of their game files. So your reply is both amusing as it is pointless. I understand that they created the mod/outfit/item/weapon/etc., etc., but the mod they created belongs to ZeniMax. This is why they can not technically sell their item for real money.


Using the "Search" function at the top of any Fallout 3 Nexus page and left clicking on "Advanced Search" will take you to another page. Enter "Jill Valentine" in the "description contains" field and left clicking submit will give you 3 results for either JillBSAA, Jill Valentine BSAA, Jill BSAA Book of Eli and 2 results for Jill BSAA camo retex.


Okay, I entered the search as you said. I got 12 items which said Jill Valentine in their description. When I looked over every one of those files, they said that I needed a required mod called:


Jill Valentine BSAA Outfit TYPE 3



Which is not there of course...... it has been removed from Nexus.


Someone sent me a pm to download the file from somewhere else, problem is the last time I did that I got a virus and had to buy a new computer because of it. So that option is out. As the file does nopt belong to anyone other then ZeniMax, I request again that someone who has it re-upload it to the Nexus Site. If you want to add a credit to the creator, go ahead. It doesn't matter if they created it or not. They never got permission from ZeniMax to Alter their game so technically they can not complain when someone else uploads a file because it has been removed from the Nexus website.



And after all that, I can safely assume you haven't read this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/771842-copyright-and-you/


Regardless of whether Zenimax owns the mod or not is irrelevant. This site demands that permission is required before someone can upload someone else's mod. Besides which, you are clearly missing one blatantly obvious point. Zenimax, Bethesda, etc., support modding. If they did not, the Nexus would not exist. They know that modding is what made them as big as they are, and won't tangle with the modding community to change that.


I should now point out one last time; anyone that re-uploads a mod made by another person without their permission is against the rules, and usually ends up with their account being banned. It's pointless you trying to contest the rules of this site, the Nexus is on very good terms with Zenimax (hence it's continued existence).

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Uploading files and images
The primary role of Nexus sites is to provide a platform for members to share their content with other members of the site via the file and image databases respectfully. Content uploaded to Nexus Mods are not immediately moderated by members of staff and are instantly available for download once the member agrees to publish the content on the site. While such a system is open to exploitation the moderation staff are extremely astute and remove rule breaching content in very acceptable times. We do however rely on members of this site to help us in moderating content uploaded to Nexus sites by reporting any content the user deems to be in breach of the file sharing rules. People exploiting the open nature of Nexus sites will be banned without warning and with extreme prejudice and every attempt will be made to insure that person is not able to use the site again and, if necessary, reported to the relevant authorities for further action.

Nexus sites have quite a liberal content policy on what files are acceptable on the site but there are still rules all uploaders must adhere to. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the file being removed from the site, the uploader's account being banned and if necessary all the details of the uploader being passed on to relevant authorities:

  • Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator. This includes content from other games, from DLCs, music creators or from other file authors. This also includes members from countries that do not recognise copyright laws.
  • All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. Such permission must be indicated in the Readme text attached to the file and/or on the Description page (or in the Description field for images), and must be obtained in advance, before uploading the file. If you cannot provide proof of consent then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned.
  • Always provide appropriate credit to authors who have given you permission to use their content in your files both within the file description and within your file readme, even if said content was published as free to use.
  • Any files that contain sexual images or reference of sexual acts with minors (people under the age of 18 or people who look under the age of 18) and animals, incite racial or religious hatred or are generally designed to spark a negative reaction in certain demographics beyond what is accepted within the UK/US media will be removed and accounts banned. To further clarify: what would be acceptable within the film and video game industry in the UK/US is generally acceptable on Nexus sites, however there may be exceptions, taking into account the multi-cultural character of the modding scene, as long as such exceptions are within legally permissible boundaries.
  • Insure that any content that would typically be awarded a 15 certificate or higher in the US/UK film and video game industry is properly labelled with the Adult-only option when uploading files and images. Continued failure to adhere to this rule will result in your account being banned.
  • If your mod is not tagged as Adult then you may not use adult imagery or content either in your mod Description or in the Images section of your mod page, and you may not accept such images uploaded by users. If you intend to accept such images or use such content on your mod description page then you must re-tag your mod as Adult.
  • Do not upload files that contain viruses, malware, spyware, adware or any software or code that would compromise the integrity of a system or the users game.
  • Do not upload files that are knowingly broken and known to prevent the majority of members games from working properly.
  • Do not upload files that are password protected or contain password protected sections.
  • Do not upload compilations of other users work irrespective of whether the authors of the work you would like to compile together have agreed to your using their work in your compilation. For example: no "my favourite mods" lists or "best weapon" compilations.
  • Do not upload files that are only meant to be downloaded by a friend or a limited group of users: please use a third-party file hoster for such purpose.
  • If you are providing a translation service for a mod in another language then you cannot upload any of the content from the file you are translating (this avoids issues with your version being out-of-date with the original authors file). Your translation should be a stand-alone addition that works in conjunction with the original file and you should link to the original file as a mirror or in your file description. If you cannot translate a file without including the original files content then do not upload it at all.
  • Insure you upload a file for your file entry as soon as possible. Do not create "placemarkers" or "Work-in-progress" pages for files that are incomplete or you havent even created yet. If uploading a file will take a long time or youre not ready yet then keep your file set to Hidden until you are ready. Do not deliberately create a file page without uploading any files just to generate hype or interest in your work; it will get you banned (uploading a text document with your ideas will not get around this issue). Do not upload help me with this mod files: such content should be hosted on a third-party download site (e.g. mediafire) and the help request should be posted on the forums in the appropriate section.
  • If you are collaborating with one or more other users to create a file then insure you keep a record of all discussions related to permissions of use and distribution, as well as how and where to credit all involved. Lay out a set list of criteria or even a contract among yourselves to avoid potential problems in the future.
  • If you give your permission to another author for them to use your work within their own modifications then, pending a breach of whatever terms you decided, you cannot take back that permission once the other author's file has been released. Once again; always document your conversations with other authors regarding permissions, preferably via private message on the Nexus forums just in case.
  • If you make things particularly and unnecessarily hard for Nexus staff we may just decide to remove any/all your files and be done with you.
  • Do not deliberately name your file entry so it is the first file in a category list sorted alphabetically (for example; by calling your "My House" mod "AAA My House". We will either delete your entry or rename your file to "ZZZ My House" depending on how we feel. Continued breaches will get you banned.
  • When uploading images for files make sure they are relevant to the mod, don't mislead people and insure no adult-only images are uploaded if your file is not an adult-only file.
  • Do not ever ask for donations. While we permit file authors to receive Donations, we do not allow users to actively solicit financial contributions of any kind. See the Donations section for our donation policies.
  • Do not solicit services from other Nexus members in exchange for monetary compensation or promise of such compensation in connection with content that falls within the scope of a game publishers EULA. For example, this means that you may not recruit modders with the promise of monetary compensation to create a custom .ESP file for you or alter game content that is subject to Bethesdas EULA governing the use of their assets and the Creation Kit.
  • Do not upload files that require users to pay any sort of financial sum for parts or all of your file. You cannot charge money for the files you upload to Nexus sites.
  • Do not solicit (ask for) ratings, endorsements or file of the month votes either for your own mods or for mods created by other Nexus members within your file/image description.
  • Nexus staff reserve the right to edit details relating to your file (but not the uploaded files themselves) or remove it completely without warning or reason at their own discretion.
  • If your file contains graphic scenes including but not limited to sex, masturbation, rape, torture and extreme fetishes then you increase your chances of Nexus staff removing your content at their own discretion and without warning.

If you see a file that breaches these rules it does not mean that file has been allowed to remain by the Nexus staff and that all files of similar content are tolerated. Nexus staff might not have seen the file so report the file if you are unsure.

These rules are open to interpretation by moderators of the site and they can and will remove any content they deem to be inappropriate for Nexus sites. We retain the right to remove or edit details of any file at any time for any reason without warning.

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