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Help - Wierd lighting bug in whiterun


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Hey everyone, I've encountered a wierd lighting bug in whiterun. I've looked around to see if I could find anywhere else where someone had the same problem but the other lighting bugs i found were quite different to this one.


Here is a video showing the bug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SBsGN8GfA0&


Here is a screenshot of NMM showing the mods I'm running: http://imgur.com/FYfYRvf


I have a strong feeling it could be something to do with EL&FX but I thought I'd ask to see if anyone knew anything before I start altering things.


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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not sure on this , but although you dont mention ENB , i saw something like this when my Bloom settings were out of wack in ENB...


To rule out ENB....when looking at that area >press [shift]+F12 that will disable the ENB leaving all other mods active. Press again to enable ENB.

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  • 5 years later...
Hey sorry to necro this topic but I had this bug as well and after experimenting with my mods I found out it was ELFX Exteriors, I have no other lighting mods and no graphics mods so I don't know what it could be conflicting with, so to anybody having this issue just disable ELFX Exteriors and it'll be fixed.
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  • 1 year later...

Hey sorry to necro this topic but I had this bug as well and after experimenting with my mods I found out it was ELFX Exteriors, I have no other lighting mods and no graphics mods so I don't know what it could be conflicting with, so to anybody having this issue just disable ELFX Exteriors and it'll be fixed.

See, I thought this could be the problem for me, as I have an ENB and ELFX, but after completely disabling them both and still loading the game and seeing this blimp, I'm sent back to the drawing board every single time.....

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