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We need to work on this


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In a virtual world that is very fond of 'thumb sucking' the loss of a measurable, hurting amount of thumbs or AP in the case of breaking the rules would probably be answered by a deep kowtow for the rest of the user existence, I guess
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Hmm, I'm not really shure if it would be a kowtow.


But a changed TOS is indeed sth serious, since you can get banned.

I for my self like to be informed about site changes. But frankly, I'm not looking the whole day for these changes, so I'd most likely have missed them. (The last no nudity policy I found by accident ..., the former changes I missed completely. I just don't use the image share that frequently)


I'd personally prefer a newsletter.


Maybe some wouldn't read it.

-> Now you can just ban them like usual...

-> Or you force attention by combining it with a new approval and restricted posting meanwhile...


I'm for a "newsletter only" solution, since a new approval might be a little harsh and it wouldn't go well with the life time supporter / premium accounts.


And folks who accidentally didn't read the newsletter and got banned ... well, can still write an email to Dark0ne or the staff.

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Hmm, I'm not really shure if it would be a kowtow.





Those hooked on public approval after having tasted its sweetness already - they will do the kowtow.

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Those hooked on public approval after having tasted its sweetness already - they will do the kowtow.

Which they have to do anyway - after they got all preventively banned :D


just kidding.^^


(The TOS is neither an Emperor, nor a Chinese.)

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Those hooked on public approval after having tasted its sweetness already - they will do the kowtow.

Which they have to do anyway - after they got banned :D


just kidding.^^

(The TOS is neither an Emperor, nor a Chinese.)


... and the show goes on afterwards as if nothing had ever happened? Naaa - this'd be no disciplinary measure at all, and thus no learning process.

Well, imagery is not everyone's cup of tea, np ^^

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... and the show goes on afterwards as if nothing had ever happened? Naaa - this'd be no disciplinary measure at all.

The sword is sharp enough for a beheading by the way...


I hope rules are not generally set just to provoke a disciplinary treatment.


But anyway, this is another story. Me suggested a newsletter and I still love the idea :biggrin:

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I hope rules are not generally set just to provoke a disciplinary treatment.


But anyway, this is another story. Me suggested a newsletter and I still love the idea :biggrin:


Rules are not set to be broken by provocateurs. Actually this is somethin' we all learn already in kindergarten....

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I saw this comming a while back. This is what I think could(hopefully) solve the problem. If you as a member ignore even a PM that, in my book means total ignorance.


I wonder if it is posible to implement an automatic PM system so that when some of the rules are changed(ex: the hole image share thingy) every member will receive a PM that explains what has been changed. This way we can avoid confusion and considering it's a PM more people will read it, becouse I noticed that very few bother to read the "Network news and announcements ". If you take a long brake and then return only to find out that you are banned soon after becouse of something you used to do before with no problems, but the present rules do not allow that anymore. I know that people should read the rules every once in a while, but you know this is not happening and we may lose good members that mean no harm becouse of this. It's just a suggestion, I'm not even sure it's posible considering the huge number of members Nexus has, but I noticed some sites have this implemented and it helps a lot knowing what changed before you actualy use it.










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I hope rules are not generally set just to provoke a disciplinary treatment.

Rules are not set to be broken by provocateurs.

Aren't this different words for almost the same message?




If you as a member ignore even a PM that, in my book means total ignorance.
Yep, I agree. There are still cases where it may happen accidently, but this can be explained.


I wonder if it is posible to implement an automatic PM system [...]

Sth like that would probably really help to prevent unnecessay bans.
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I don't see the problem, the notice you agree to clearly states no nudity. Now for people using English as a second language, I don't believe that as a valid excuse, for one you can translate it. Two you need some basic English skills in order to be able to use this site anyhow. The rules are clearly defined, there should be no if or but's about it...


Like Dark0ne said, 99% of the time people are banned. If they are civil about it, own up to it and apologize with the expectations that they will not violate it again they are reinstated...


What more do you want?

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