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Modding Creatures Items


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Ok so I recently have started using some companions and for a while everything was going good, I ended up adding more companions and have started running into some issues with them fighting among themselves. I usually just fixed it by upping their disposition to eachother with the console and knocking them all out. It is starting to happen more and more so I installed a mod that adds rings that stop their holders from getting into fights with other ring holders. I couldn't give this to my summoned companions from midas magic though so I figured hey why not just make it so they spawn in with one.


I went into the construction set and set about to make a mod that changes the ebony atronach and pumpkin atronach to spawn in with these rings equipped. I saved the alternation as a seperate mod incase I screwed anything up unintentionally, now when I go to try and load up the game it crashes immidately when i try to go to the main menu screen (it still loads up to the point where I can see the bethesda logo and others.


My game works perfectly fine, but when I added my new mod to the bottom of the load order it now crashes this way, I can't imagine such a small change would cause a problem that crashes oblivion before it even loads up a save. Could anyone give me some insight on what may have gone wrong?

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What method did you use to make your creature add-on? Mod de-isolation is required to use assets from ESP A in your ESP B. Wrye Bash has utilities to ESMify ESP A, then you create your mod's ESP B after which you re ESPify ESP A. Construction Set Extender does away with the complicated steps (i.e. allows ESPs to be masters of other ESPs).

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Ok, thank you very much. I think this is exactly what I must have done wrong. I had no idea that I couldn't use assets from others mods in mine as I have seen many mods that list requirements for their own. Is there any reason I should use the slightly more complicated version over just using the construction set extender, I checked it out and it seems perfect but I just wanted to know if there were any issues.

Edited by Trollkage
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Construction Set Extender is the most recent method to get around the de-isolation problem, and comes with many other improvements. If you were already using Wrye Bash it's "complicated" method would actually prove to be simpler if you're only talking about a do once and then won't be doing again situation. I get the impression that you are a tinkerer though, so the CSE method may prove less work overall in the long run.


Yes you can use assets from other mods in your mod ... you just need to be sure to create new form IDs (create a new item). Install mod A (let's say it has a shiny new sword). Open the regular old CS, make your mod B active (or create a new mod if you don't have an ongoing "MyTweaks and Additions" type mod) but don't tick the ESP from mod A. Create a new item in the Weapons category and assign the mesh, ground mesh and icon from mod A. Adjust the stats to your liking and place the new sword where you like in the world. No de-isolation required but you will need to leave the meshes, textures and icon in your Data folder if you ever decide to uninstall mod A.


Of course you can see that you don't need to "install" more than the assets you need from mod A (if for instance it added a new dungeon and NPC carrying the sword), at which point they're more the assets for your mod B than mod A. One caveat to keep in mind ... if you ever decide to release your mod B you will need to get permission for the use of it's assets borrowed from mod A. If it's only for personal use, and you're not flaunting pictures of it here on Nexus you shouldn't run into any trouble with the staff.

Edited by Striker879
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