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DC Area Sightseers Mod


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I am requesting a modification (that I am currently incapable of) that could add new locations around the Capital Wasteland of historical value. I have quite a list of interesting spots:


1) Museum of the American Indian


2) National Genocide Museum


3) International Spy Musuem


4) Museum of Science (or Natural History)


5) Library of Congress


6) African American Museum


7) Manassas (Bull Run) Battlefield


The following could contain items that certain NPCs (and the player) would be interested in. Of course, like other museums in Fallout 3, only certain sections of the museums would not be caved in, but for example, civil war clothing/weaponry (much like that in Point Lookout) could be found in a small museum at Manassas; Espionage equipment (such as stealth boys, stealth armor, special silenced guns) could be found in the Spy Museum, American Indian weaponry (such as spear, axes, tomahawks) could be found in that museum, African war clubs/other weaponry/clothing found there, important documents/books (that Abraham Washington might like) in the Library, ect. I understand this would be a large undertaking, with which I could help in the design (but not he creation) of such a mod. I -have- looked around the nexus for mods like these, but have not found any.


I am guessing most of the museums will be found directly off the National Mall, the Spy Museum requiring a subway "ride", the Library requiring some walking, and the Manassas battlefield requiring walking and then an underground walk (like in Broken Steel) to a new outdoor location.


Any help, suggestions, or comments would be appreciated! I can bet other people would like a mod like this!

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