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Mod request: end of the game powers


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well now when you end the game it just doesn't feel like you just saved the world and ended the 4th era , npcs just seem lie they don't give a single f*** about you even though you saved them , I'm not asking for a mod that modifies that even though it would be cool. But I'm asking for a mod that gives you certain powers only if you finish the main quest , it shouldn't be game breaking.


Like when you finish the main quest you'll get these powers:


1- a power that when used it gives like a custom dialog with like 4-5 slots , each slot can be filled with a world coordinates so you can travel there anytime.


2- a power that gives a bonus in speechcraft/prices because you just finished the main quest and saved the world , you need to talk your away out of things , it shouldn't be that big , just like 5-15% bonus , these powers should be active all the time so it's safe to call them "passives"


honestly there're a lot of things that can be done with this mod but I just figured I should give some examples

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Well, if you finished the game I'm assuming you've stumbled upon many key locations in the game and various other places. So - why can't the first request be replaced with Fast Travel? As for the second - I'm not sure how would be too helpful. I mean, it's not like Septims are too hard to come by, and you can smith everything yourself if armor or weapons are too expensive, and you can use alchemy for potions. I don't want to just crush your dreams or anything - but I just don't see how this mod is adding anything.


Perhaps a mod that gives the Dragonborn a special set of armor, a weapon (depending on class/specialization perhaps), a horse, or maybe the keys to a custom house seem like more substantial rewards and something a character in the game could actually give you - through silent dialogue probably. Just my thoughts.

Edited by DaddyDirection
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Actually giving the player empty slots to fill them with world locations is much better I think I saw a mod that does this so it's possible , for example , like for example I was wanted in windhelm and I couldn't get away with it because they just get me everytime I go there , but I had that power and one slot was pointed to the inn or my house in windhelm that wouldn't have happened , so it's useful.


about the second one it's actually not that bad , it would help to finish some quest , for example I needed to talk to a thief in riften but the options failed because my speech level wasn't high that time , if I had this power I would've finished that quest long ago.


there're lots of things that are simple and possible , so yeah :)

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I wasn't really saying it wasn't possible, I just was stating I personally don't see the benefit. I mean, if you're looking for buffs to your skills by accomplishing goals, you could get the "Achieve That!" mod. But again, just my thoughts on the matter. Could you explain what you mean about the avoidance of bounties please? I still am a bit confused on that part.

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I wasn't really saying it wasn't possible, I just was stating I personally don't see the benefit. I mean, if you're looking for buffs to your skills by accomplishing goals, you could get the "Achieve That!" mod. But again, just my thoughts on the matter. Could you explain what you mean about the avoidance of bounties please? I still am a bit confused on that part.


ok , about the location teleport it's actually good man :D you can set a point at any place in the world and tp to it anytime.


about the bounties , I heard when your speech level is high enough you can talk your way out of it , or it could be like a power that has a limit , like once every 3 days "game time" I actually saw a scroll that does this , i'm not sure from which mod but I saw it.


there're lots of things that can be done with this mod , like putting an npc in the place where you defeat alduin , when you finish , you can talk to him and pick the power that you want.


at least with this mod you can feel like finishing the main story is helpful , I had 2 characters that are level +50 and I never finished the main quest.

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Not exactly what you're asking for, however there is: Teleportation/Mark and Recall the number of mark and recall locations you can set is based on the Alteration skill (which you have an option to toggle off).


Mark and recall image, past version:





This could be adjusted (with permission), to activate based on main quest completion. (haven't looked into it, but I might be able to if you had permission for this).


As for the speech bonus that'd be extremely easy to apply to a character completing the main quest.


A Suggestion for making it feel useful. Something equivalent to a lesser version of the "lovers stone" bonus (but in passive form), accelerated skill leveling. (also very simple to do)

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Not exactly what you're asking for, however there is: Teleportation/Mark and Recall the number of mark and recall locations you can set is based on the Alteration skill (which you have an option to toggle off).


Mark and recall image, past version:





This could be adjusted (with permission), to activate based on main quest completion. (haven't looked into it, but I might be able to if you had permission for this).


As for the speech bonus that'd be extremely easy to apply to a character completing the main quest.


A Suggestion for making it feel useful. Something equivalent to a lesser version of the "lovers stone" bonus (but in passive form), accelerated skill leveling. (also very simple to do)


Thanks man , the things I mentioned can be done easily because I saw many mods do this but they usually just give you those powers from the start , my new gameplay I made it hard with mods I couldn't kill two wolves at level 2-4 but with mods that adds more powers it just feels like cheating , however if mods like this are already adjusted to activate when you finish the main quest then it would be much better, that's one of the reasons I didn't download the mod that you mentioned even though it's cool, I think in morrowind you get something when you finish the main quest , like people would be nicer to you and you can travel anywhere , but in skyrim what do you get ?


so yeah , it would be nice if someone could work on something similar.

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