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Dragon Age vs. Mass Effect 2


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Seeing as my previous post is borderline spam, I'll elaborate on why I like ME more.


Dragon Age was fun, and I have to admit, there was a time where I preferred the whole medieval theme, but DA's gameplay just got me down. I found DA to be boring as hell. There were parts where I wanted to slit my wrists. I never finished the game. Why? One location. The Deep Roads. That section of the game was so boring I just gave up on it. I quit the game and never saw any reason to go back to it after that, despite loving playing as a mage, something I rarely do in fantasy games.


In ME it felt as if every battle and little fight had a reason behind it, you had to fight to accomplish this little goal, but in DA they gave you a long corridor, filled with rooms and enemies, and you had to fight your way to the end to reach a single, big goal.


I must admit, I connected better with the characters in DA than in ME. Not really sure why, though.


One thing both games suffer from, though, is 'meaningful' relationships that develop over two or three conversations.

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Personally, I'd prefer KOTOR1 or KOTOR2 over either of those games. To me, DAO is what the Neverwinter series should've been like(NWN used a system meant for Pen and paper). As stated by the OP, they both fit into different genres and had different themes( SCI-FI vs. Fantasy). At the very least, I'd like to commend Bioware in differentiating their games, instead of making each one a clone of the previous.


Dragon Age:

-No clean cut "good" or "evil" choices, There were actions and there consequences. This more closely mirrors real life.

-The PC got to have sex with the characters before the game was over, instead of waiting until near the end of the game.

-Characters were more developed, and interacted not only with the PC, but with each other. Leliana, Zevran, and Ohgren were much more memorable than any given ME2 character.


Mass Effect 2:

-Was more creative in terms of world building. Each of the races were somewhat unique, and weren't ripoffs from Star Trek or Star Wars. Dragon Age on the other hand was essentially based on D&D(which in turn is based on some other things), and utilized many RPG cliches.


The Deep Roads. That section of the game was so boring I just gave up on it. I quit the game and never saw any reason to go back to it after that, despite loving playing as a mage, something I rarely do in fantasy games.

I hated the deep roads as well. I turned down the difficulty to get through it faster. If it were that particular section, you could've used cheats to get past it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have DA:O and both Mass Effect games.


I happen to like both, but DA:O has more character interaction.


I think they should have removed the Level Cap in the Main Game, once BioWare released the Awakening Expansion.


They still haven't made a patch for the Silverite Mine Bug.


I almost died when Patch 1.04 failed a file-write. I wound up having to uninstall and reinstall to fix it.


It pays to watch your machine while downloading, installing, and patching. :tongue:

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