paragonskeep Posted July 10, 2010 Share Posted July 10, 2010 Ok All,I'm not sure where to post this, so I post it here and hope for the best.first of I'm not a modder but play them on PC. (lame joke yes)I've been noticing what's to me a troubling and frustrating trend on the Nexus that I'm GOING to female dog about. A MOD IS A CREATION FOR THE ENJOYMENT OF THE PERSON THAT MADE THAT MOD. We just are lucky enough that ALOT of people enjoy sharing their hard work and efforts with the rest of us. I AM TIRED OF THE CONSTANT ARGUING, BERATING, COMPLAINING, ETC about some mods. "it's not lore friendly" " who would download this" "that wouldn't work in real life" etc. IF you're reading a mod and don't like it? MOVE ON. WE don't need nor want your *manure* in the comments.I look at/download/ play a ton of mods, and I try to be constructive on feed back. Is the mod as the modder intended? Does it function properly? Any bugs or conflicts? etc.Telling a modder that the mod sucks because YOU think/feel it's a bad or "dumb" idea is conter productive to the modding community as a whole!!!Are there alot of "God' items? Probably. But that DOES NOT give you the right to complain to the modder about it.Most if not ALL of us have started by making our favorite weapon more "godlike", it does not help the community by belittleing someone for doing this and posting.All of us were noobs at one time. Personal opinion has no place in criticism. IF some one makes a dog into a sidearm that shoots tubs, is it bad or wrong? NO It shows that they are gaining the skills needed to use the GECK properly and to maybe make the next FWE or FOOK or Feng Shui or Solace or Mad scienctist, etc etc etc Modders need feedback and encouragement, that helps the community. Comments like "this isn't lore friendly" or "this is a waste of time" or "who would download this" or not only NOT helpful but unnecessary and unwanted. Be contructive and respectful with the comments is my point. Here ends my rant. Thank you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vagrant0 Posted July 10, 2010 Share Posted July 10, 2010 While you make some good points, the unfortunate truth of the matter is that the vast majority of people making the remarks you are complaining about don't read the forums (or anything longer than 3 words long for that matter) and that threads like this usually only result in getting everyone else upset. If you see comments to a mod which you object to, just report the rude little snot and let staff deal with it. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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