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Change to arena


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I know there are numerous arena mods that affect what you can't/can do and such, but I need something a little more than whats available.


List Of Features


24 hour use

No wait between grand-champion monster fights

No armor can be used*, excluding shields and rings/amulets, if used, kicked out of fight (assuming it isn't grand champion fight or later battles in which you can use armor)

Combatants don't use armor, exempting shields and perhaps some nice enchanted jewelery.



Allow for "clothing" to be used.**


* The idea is to make the script that the arena uses to detect the raiment detect if the character is wearing any armor.


**Not sure how possible this may be, but allowing for clothing but not armor would be nice.


Thanks and Kudos.

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When you say no armour... does this mean no raimant?


No armor, period. 'Cept shields. So no rings, no boots, no robes. I feel that the obviously roman inspiration should leak more into the arena.


So like, the raiment could be replaced with a ring which takes up all body slots?

Ive got alot to do right now, so If i did it, youd be near the bottom of the to-do list :blush:


If any-one else wants to have a try... go for it ^^

Like I said, I cant do it right just now anyway.

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Many ancient Roman gladiators did wear armor, depending on what class of gladiator they were. They did not do it in the nude. You might be thinking about ancient athletic contests. Many of those were done in the nude.


The simplest way to ban custom armor is to do what Bethesda did. Have one particular item you must wear.


Another option would be to run a check to see what armor class the player is. If it was 1 or higher, participation would be forbidden. But this might have the ill effect of disqualifying you if you used a shield spell, scroll, or potion, or wore an item with a shield enchantment.


One option would be to RemoveAllItems and then have a player dress and equip from the limited selection available. After the fight he or she could go to the chest to get all the removed items back.


None of these options really meet your design specifications.

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This could easily be done, I believe.

1. I dont think it would be a very good idea to make Arena watcher people real NPCs, as it would make the arena lag and most likely crash Oblivion. That is why bethesda put fake Spectators in.

2. You could just have the Player wear special clothes, found in a cabinet near the cleansing thing.

3. All you have to do for the No Waiting thing (which has been done along with 24-7 openess) is remove a certain part of the Arena's Quest Script


Very easy. For the clothing, however, it would have to be a pre-selected type, that you can't choose. Like shop keepers clothes or something. BUT, you could also put every clothes item (IE shirt and pants and shoes) in the cabinet and rename them Arena Combatant Clothes (or something idk) making sure you change the ID of the item, then putting a edited raiment script on them. When I have time, if this hasn't been done already, I will probably do this.

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I think I would prefer David's idea of using a script that checks for armor class, though problems would occur with unarmored "skill" mods and my idea for allowing shields... Would it be possible to create a script that checks the player for items equipped in foot/leg/torso/hand/head slots, and then do a secondary check for armor class directly derived from said item? Because that could potentially remove conflicts with unarmored "skill" mods, and allow for clothing enchanted with shield spells and any temporary shield affects.


Ex: Script checks for torso item, if something there, it checks if it is from heavy/light armor skill, if so, it activates the forfeit script.


edit: I just looked at David's sig and realized I use several of his mods.

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The player could be given a token item when they accept a fight which will force equip itself until the fight is over/canceled. Using Buddha's ring idea, having the token equip every slot except shield and weapons will prevent anything apart from the untagged slots being used. That kills off clothing though, as well as bound armor. On that note, what is your position on bound armor during a fight?


Possibly the most comprehensive would be the use of GetEquipmentSlotMask with GetArmorAR. I'm not sure what GetAAR will return on clothing, hopefully 0, since armor with 0 AR doesn't really matter. The core is really just GetESM as it will return the base ID of what they're wearing, there are functions out there to check armor type/strength. It would be possible to check every frame for a disqualification case, shouldn't cause too severe a fps hit, if there is one. I'm not sure what GetESM would return for a hand slot mask if the equipped item used hands and feet. It will just take a bit of tinkering to get the right functions and logic, the idea is solid enough.


Grrr...Yesteryear I would've put a bit more effort into creating something which wasn't OBSE dependent, It's like caffeine. You're fine without it until you start, then you can't stop.


As for the "real" spectators, the arena design makes shooting them really difficult, You pretty much have to be aiming at them to hit one. The arena's organisers wouldn't appreciate it if the gladiators started targeting the spectators, so I don't really see how this would be a valuable content addition, unless there was a disqualification trigger on them. That on top of the AI and fps issues from not having an almost empty arena.


One unknown area with any of the solutions would be interacting with unlimited rings / amulets mods.

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