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Challenge Tower


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I was just thinking about this idea, and it was pretty much the main reason I've come onto the board for the first time. I'm a longtime Nexus member but since I don't mod I haven't really had too much to contribute until now. Mainly my skills lie in ideas and writing, and so let me go further into what I was thinking.


Basically, it was pretty much the same idea as Nohano's above, a multi-level tower with enemies, traps, and puzzles that the player would either have to shoot or think through in order to get to the top. But what I had initially thought of was more like a background and story to it. Like the player would hear from either an NPC or some other means that there's either a rumored treasure up at the top, or a hardcore evil mastermind that terrorizes the wasteland from the top of his tower that needs to be taken care of once and for all. So you fight through all the levels, taking out the flunkies and once you get to the higher levels you start facing against the high-level members of this mastermind's syndicate... then finally at the top you face off against the master of the syndicate in a final showdown.


There could be a prequel mod to this as well that could be added into the storyline of it all, like maybe an NPC or companion is made that correlates with this mod, and the mastermind either has them killed or kidnapped, so then your motivation is more along the lines of revenge/rescue. I was thinking maybe this prequel mod could involve the mastermind killing/kidnapping the companion/NPC and then trapping the player inside a vault and would have to fight his way past whatever creatures/enemies to reach a secret escape hatch deep within the vault that leads out into the Metro tunnels and then back into the wasteland.


Now that I wrote that out, maybe the initial quest has the companion pitch you the idea of uncovering a secret presidential vault that was made for the First Family, the Presidential staff, Secret Service, etc (mainly for the idea of finding some important/valuable/powerful item). Then you get ambushed and locked in the vault, finding that the current inhabitants definitely aren't 'congressional'. So then you fight your way out, get back into the wasteland, and then go after the master in the challenge tower of doom.


Of course I don't have the first idea about what goes into actually modding something like this together. I just have the plots and the ideas, so if someone wants to work on this and just use me as a creative contractor, that's fine. I'd like to see this come to fruition so whoever can do it, have at it.


... Maybe, I don''t know, it is really up to the discretion of the actual modder, but I don't really like it,

although it is a much better functioning integration with the overall game than just a tower,

and it does allow for more player motivation.

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