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Menu Doesnt appear


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hello people,


after installing a couple of new mods my fallout kept crashing at the startup... it appeared my load order wasnt correct so i changed it...


now my fallout starts up but i cant skip the intro anymore and when the menu is supposed to pop up nothing happens. all i see is a green background with the brotherhood of steel armor and the menu music but the menu itself is gone.


alt tabbing or windows key nothing seems to help and when i press ctrl alt del the music stops and it says the game has crashed....


anyone knows how to fix this?

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after installing a couple of new mods my fallout kept crashing at the startup... it appeared my load order wasnt correct so i changed it...


now my fallout starts up but i cant skip the intro anymore and when the menu is supposed to pop up nothing happens. all i see is a green background with the brotherhood of steel armor and the menu music but the menu itself is gone.

either a bad mod


or you installed it/them incorrectly


best solution is to start over


and install mods slowly

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