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Navetsea's skinset - Eyes missing?


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I just recently installed the F-INevOblivion skinset for EC and HGEC only to find that, when I went into the game, everyone's eyes seemed to have been gouged from their sockets. Any idea how to fix this? I had also installed Malebodyreplacerv4 right before that without testing it but i'm relatively certain that's not it as it's affecting EVERYONE (Male/Female alike) minus my character.
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Skin textures make eyes missing.. no, it does not happen. Texture replacement pack replaces skin textures, does nothing more. Are you using some cosmetic mods?


**If you're using Beautiful People, do not use Robert's Male Body+Beautiful People compatibility plugin(included in RM package). It's for older version which retains eye paths from Elaborate Eyes. Therefore, unless you installed EE as well, you will have missing eyes. Rather I recommend to make merged plugin, or merged patch like bashed patch(if you're using Wrye Bash).

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