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Organic Bow, Somewhat Squicky



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Forums finally started working for me, for some unknown reason I couldn't open any topics while logged on, but right now it seems to be fine.

( So you can ignore the PM, Kieran, if it ever even got to you )


I surely have made some progress with the bow thing, if this is what you actually meant with it,

it still needs a tiny bit of modifying, such as the handle needs to be resized a bit and it still lacks normal / glow maps, that I'll be doing tomorrow.


Here's some screenies :


The bow in it's whole g(L)oryness


I don't know why the handle is so dark, it appears to be shadowed even near a light source, I'll be trying to fix that.


And then the bloody eye


Still needs the glow map and maybe some recoloring.

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Oh, I guess you didn't get my PM back. I basically praised it's glory to the high heavens, and kissed your bum pink. Then I pointed out that the muscle texture looked a bit warped, but added that that was a problem with bows, so don't worry.


Then I praised it some more.


Then I asked if you minded if I kept the thread open for more challengers, because the more variants on the bow the better.


And I'm still hoping someone takes up the armor.

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@Kieran As an afterthought, the armor is potentally squick-worthy depending on how much it covers...




I just thought of something you would suggest....


I'll pull a picture instead of explaining it








Links cus pics are huge and will stretch the page....

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Oh, it'll cover a lot, it's just the Shrouded Armor. I'm planning on asking for an armor that's basically the HGEC body, and a bald head, retextured with the muscles. And a male version using Roberts, of course.


Squicky enough?


And that outfit's pretty cool. Street clothes made of human flesh. Me likey.

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@ Kieran


Of course you can keep the thread open, I'm always up to some competition, if there's challengers that is.

I'm still trying to fix the shadowed handle, I'm not exactly sure what's wrong with it.

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Dang, I posted an incorrect link in the 2nd post of this thread.


I duplicated the same link to Nico's tutorial. The last link should have been to this thread (which is corrected as of right now). This is the thread that contains information about Exporting Bows directly from Blender.



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I am happy to announce that the bow is done, complete, finished, great, parfait, magnifique..!


Here's some pictures taken in the morning sun of the Imperial City

(JPEGs, not the best quality, but I had to upload them fast) :


Shooting some silver arrows with it


The eye from below


The eye from above


On my characters back


Now, there's just one thing that has to be decided. How shall I upload the bow ?

Will I have it on a mod which simply puts it somewhere, will I have it for sale on a shop, or do I just upload the mesh and the textures ?

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