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Who do you consider the greatest Skyrim modder? Have you heard of Trainwiz?


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Recently I discovered Trainwiz. I feel really inspired by him.


He made that early space travel mod. *pretty advanced for its time lol

He made some pretty cool followers.

Fyr Manor (check it out)

He created World Eater Beater which I recently watched a video very skilled Skyrim player struggle to beat it and now I want to play it.

...and now Wheels of Lull.

I mean his mods have to be the most ambitious for sure. I think he is criticized for stability. I think if he toned down the ambition a little for stability then his mods would be even better and they are already probably the best. By himself he can do things that groups of people working on a project struggle to do.

Hopefully he knows the Nexus community loves him and returns to support his mods on the Nexus himself.

---this concludes my Trainwiz praise.


So ask yourself, who is best modder or your favorite modder?

Edited by Qwesar
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Can his reward for Wheels of Lull top file be unbanned and community asks him to come back?

I'm no moderator, but I doubt that'll happen. He may be a great modder, but that doesn't excuse you from breaking the rules. I'm not even that great a modder, but if I did get banned, no matter what it was for, that's MY fault. And being a modder shouldn't make me "better" then all the others who got banned and allow me to come back (without a ban appeal). It introduces this idea that being a modder makes you higher class. And then, how would you differentiate between the "good" modders and the ones that aren't "good" enough to come back?


Then there's the whole issue where they start doing these things more because they think they're "above the 'law'/rules". Which no one should be because then the Nexus might lose one of the best things about it - it's great community.


Now this is all worst scenario but hopefully you get where I'm going.

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Maybe give him a second chance.

I don't know Steam isn't getting any smaller.

Nexus needs a strong community and a legendary modders doesn't hurt either.

Nexus got a strong community because of their solid work banning people. You might not have noticed it, but the ovrall modding community changed when Skyrim came. We got all sorts of new kind of people in. Not for the better, in my opinion. We need a system that protects our work, and integrity, from entitled people. I assure you, if the rules were lighter, you'd have almost no decent modders left. They would all be driven away by theft, flaming, trolling, bashing and mod users demanding.


Good modders does not make a strong community; A strong community makes good modders.

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Maybe give him a second chance.

I don't know Steam isn't getting any smaller.

Nexus needs a strong community and a legendary modders doesn't hurt either.

Nexus got a strong community because of their solid work banning people. You might not have noticed it, but the ovrall modding community changed when Skyrim came. We got all sorts of new kind of people in. Not for the better, in my opinion. We need a system that protects our work, and integrity, from entitled people. I assure you, if the rules were lighter, you'd have almost no decent modders left. They would all be driven away by theft, flaming, trolling, bashing and mod users demanding.


Good modders does not make a strong community; A strong community makes good modders.


My thoughts exactly.


Just in a much more succinct way :P

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Gopher is one of my top ranked and someone I look up to, he brings alot of userful mods but more then that he brings information and a good engery with him. He is not cruel or petty and seems to always try and think things through before getting heated.

Alienslof as well as she inspires me with her works.


schlangster, QuarnAndKivan, Arthmoor, Tumbajumba, hothtrooper44, Chesko, are all modders I look up to as well.


Of course there is no greatest modder, everyone who mods is adding to the community and I dont think anyone can be given that title. I even think that Skyrim modders would not be as "great" without the modders who proived guidance and information on modding older games such as Morrowind and Oblivion, I know I would not be a good modder for any game without them.

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Besides, you miss the point that he probably doesn't want to come back, I got banned for far far worse and justifiably so, had to get my life in order etc, appealed, and was unbanned. While some bans come off as harsh etc they do (at least in my case) listen to appeals etc, and seeing as his ban seemed mild he probably just doesn't want to come back but still reap the rewards of the community through proxy uploaders.


Also he has publicly trashed my work on dragonbreak and the discworld project on his tumblr etc, he is a great modder but great person etc? Nah :P


Also calling his the most ambitios is a bit fanboy, have you even looked at some of the WIP's usually on the front page, medieval, Immersive quests, Panomiac the one with shivering isles, etc, can even pat my own back and add discworld to the list, it already has 12+ hours of content, new spells locations 2900 lines of audio, and phase 2 is looking like 15+ more, honestly besides the skwind and beyond skyrim people I am probably the most ambitious modder and that's only cause I am a idiot and decided to start biting on a mammoth like a flea and my goal was to devour the whole thing, in too deep to get out now! :P


Also part of what I love seeing as well is modders working together, a lot of that is happening now with group projects etc and even behind the scenes, ya one guy might do a lot but I'm pretty sure if you look at it he had help as well, like most of us with massive projects need, flouting his stuff to his credit alone is irksome, it is actually irksome when people praise my mods by praising me because I had voice actors, writers, modelers, dungeon designers, music composers, scripting help, etc. But sadly the people who get the most praise are the publisher, but where would they be without the support and the tutoring of some aspect they almost 100% received at some point when modding. Ya I may have done the lions share of the work, but sometimes I was limping and the cubs brought me some fresh deer mkay :)

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