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Having serious Problems with Modding Oblivion


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You will not get any help here, this is the site feedback and suggestions section. Go to the oblivion section for stuff like this. I am also reporting this thread, you actually bumped twice in 30 minutes, have a little patience. We are not just here to help you , and can't be onnline all day.











Moved to tech support and merged with OP's similar topic. -myrmaad

Edited by myrmaad
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i think ill just fill in for tom here




read the new mod users guides at the bottom, it helped me a lot when he pointed me there


Edit: The console isnt a mod, its part of the game, all you have to do is change the game settings.


Use notepad, and open the oblivion.ini file which by default is in My Documents/Mygames/Oblivion

you need to change the view to "all files" since its not a .txt file


then, you just need to change the line "bAllowConsole=0" to "bAllowConsole=1"


save the file, and run the game

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i think ill just fill in for tom here




read the new mod users guides at the bottom, it helped me a lot when he pointed me there


Edit: The console isnt a mod, its part of the game, all you have to do is change the game settings.


Use notepad, and open the oblivion.ini file which by default is in My Documents/Mygames/Oblivion

you need to change the view to "all files" since its not a .txt file


then, you just need to change the line "bAllowConsole=0" to "bAllowConsole=1"


save the file, and run the game


Okay, So I tried to open Oblivion in a Text document and all I got was a Giant wall of this:


MZ ÿÿ ¸ @ ( º ´ Í!¸LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.


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By the way, where did you install your game? Due to UAC, it's not recommended to install the game at default(C:\Program Files blah)(turning off UAC is also not recommended due to safety...). And read the guide xShadowcat linked thoroughly.


**Another thing is, never post e-mail address on board. It only makes you to target of various spam mails.

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By the way, where did you install your game? Due to UAC, it's not recommended to install the game at default(C:\Program Files blah)(turning off UAC is also not recommended due to safety...). And read the guide xShadowcat linked thoroughly.


**Another thing is, never post e-mail address on board. It only makes you to target of various spam mails.

I installed it on the Desktop, and I don't understand... I need someone to guide me through it.

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