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Field of view mods.


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Apologies If I'm posting this in the wrong forum. I'm looking for a mod that makes distant terrain look better. (Most noticeably the mountains and trees.) This is one of the biggest immersion killers for me as stuff is always not loading or it just looks like poop in the background. So I'm looking for something that ether fixes this or just makes it less noticeable.
I'm using a decently good computer to play on but I can't run anything too graphic heavy atm. (This is due to change later on as I plan on getting a new graphics card soon so feel free to suggest those kinds of stuff too.)


Any help is always helpful :smile: Thanks in advance.


Edit; I just realized "Field of view" wasn't the correct thin to name this so Apologies for that. xD

Edited by no1s
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I would watch out with mods adding more low poly objects to the background. Textures on other hand should be alright for most rigs.





If you're not using enb depending on distant fog get either Remove Exterior Fog or Remove Exterior Fog.





AOF HD Tree LODs by AnOldFriend





SkyFalls - Animated Distant Waterfalls and Windmills





In case you're not using enb you can get static DOF with DYNAVISION in order to blurr distant terrain detail.





You can also try increasing uGrid count with mods like Stable uGrids, however I'm not sure to what extent it can affect your quests and npcs, since the game was designed to work within 5 ugrids. Everything after this point becomes distant terrain (the much hated LOD).

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