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A quick mod question


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I used to mod Fallout 3 and New Vegas, so I've been out of the modding loop for quite a while. I was just curious, with the creation kit is there any way to change the appearance of a weapon or piece of armour in-game without changing its properties?


For example, if I wanted to make a silver sword look like a steel sword with an in-game activator or something but keep the silver sword's stats changing nothing but the sword's model, would that be possible?


Thanks in advance for any help recieved.

Edited by Trueform
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I'm not a super experienced modder, but I think that your best bet would be to create a duplicate in the ck of the sword and then have a script replace specific objectreferences that are loaded in the game via a script. I do not think that the model or texture can be referenced as a property in a script right now.


You could probably use skyProc to replace all steel swords with silver swords and vise versa without a ton of difficulty, and maybe even find a way to do it with an activator in game through skyProc somehow...

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Ah yeah, a duplicate might do the job. I'm not quite as familiar with the CK as I'd like to be, so it's nice to have a second opinion. Thanks for the prompt reply too, it's appreciated :)

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