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NPC's don't have voice? <SOLVED>

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I noticed that some people have this problem after adding some new mods. The problem is basically that some, (sometimes all) of the NPC's don't have voice, an when you talk to them the text passes too quickly. I had this problem too, and i didn't know how to solve it, but i finally found the solution!


All you have to do is this:


1.Extract all the files inside oblivion-Voices1.bsa and oblivion-voices2.bsa (they're in the game folder) into a temporary folder, using OBMM.

2.Inside the folder where you extracted the obs, there will be a folder named "sound" paste it inside the "data" folder.

3.The root of the problem is (mostly) that you have a version of oblivion, but u are using mods for other version. Normally the mods that cause this trouble are CUSTOM RACE MODS.


EXAMPLE: In my case i had SPANISH version of oblivion, but i added "Beautiful elves compilation" mod and some other ENGLISH mods. SO I TRANSLATED THE NAME OF FOLDERS INSIDE TO THE ORIGINAL ENGLISH NAME OF THE RACE "sound/voices/" WITH THE ENGLISH NAMES.--------> So, "Guardia Rojo" becomes "Redguard"; "Argoniano" becomes "Argonian" and all the same with the rest of the folders EXCEPT THE CUSTOM RACES FOLDERS.


P.S: If you have this problem but there are still some npc's with voice it's probably because the name in your game and the english name are the same. Example:


The spanish version uses the same words for Khajit and Imperial, so, this means that in the game the only npc's with voice will be the khajit and the imperials.

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this rly works? cuz i think that the martigens monsters mod craped the voices of the npc on my oblivion spanish version


Yes, this works, i had this problem and solved it by doing this.


Ke si, ke yo arreglé el problema con las voces haciendo esto.

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