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Gorey Requests Thread (Varying Difficulty)



27 members have voted

  1. 1. What gory items would you like to see?

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It looks good. but I agree, a three-d bulge would look far better.


Da-yum. We're moving past squick and into the dizzying intersection of High-Octane Nightmare Fuel and Fetish Fuel, and my head is spinning!


EDIT: Anyway, however you manage, two versions of the armor, one wkirted and the other not would be awesome indeed.


ALSO: This is another gore request, for the people who can do this: The citadel Daedra Lords Chamber 02 mesh is a big thing, but as part of it it has two flesh-wings. used as bridgeds. Could some modeller seperate those from the main mesh and upload them as a resource?


Hehe I decided to try something completely different, mainly cause I feel what I've done to the male groin codpiece just isn't working, just for kicks I decided to try a studded belt texture with a skulled belt buckle, I think the belt works, need a better buckle or no buckle, but u just know I'm close to finishing it, just need to ask Eyren for permission for her mesh is all.



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I just thought of something awesome, do a sort of vest type shoulder wear along with that.




pretty much the black thing to give you an idea... I made this like 30sec tops...

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@Xeivous: Huh... not a bad idea...


Oh, and I had another weapon idea... you take the Dark Bow mesh, and retexture it all a bare muscle texture, and put the eyeballs in place of the spheres in the snakes mouths like last time, but you also add one just above and just below your hand-grip, facing out, like those spiky bits on the Amber Bow. That's let your bow see what it's aiming at.


Also: brains. We need 'em!


EDIT: Better yet, size the eyes down small enough to be embedded INTO the bow itself, and embed them allong the front curve of the bow, from the neck of the snakes down to the grip... no way to miss the target then!

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Well, I ran into some problems with the male mesh, it has tiny peeky boo holes in the robert male 5 body, they are a little obvious but maybe a nice modeler would fix the mesh ( hope...pray...)


But here it is in all it's glory,


the final male version....




I think the runes make it somehow...:)


And here it is ingame, Onxe models it for us. Also, since I don't use UFF I need someone to try on the female version, any takers?






Is it perfect? No, but I think it's decent, I'm not very experienced with retexturing armor, gave it a shiny wet look, because my normalmaps leave a lot to be desired and I think the PVC look fits it. Anyone is welcome to fix my textures and such.



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I'd love to, but I think I'll let Kieran have first dibs, if he wants it.



Ok, well....Onxe told me I wasn't done with the male armor yet....


He told me it might look better if it joined better with the texture flow, so got the codpiece looking loads better, now it's sorting out me skullys to fit.






After a entire day of trying to do this armor, I am X_X and damm Onxe for being a perfectionist!


Well, turns out the female armor still shows up great on Roberts Female so here sports my custom girl Jahiza to show it off










:) Dremora....gotta love their discipline when it comes to tedious work.

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