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VHS Rifle


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OMG that is an awesome idea for a mod a Rifle that fires VHS cassette tapes at a target at like 800fps, that would totally kill someone for sure. I mean VHS tapes are practically indestructible, a friend of mine once drove his pick-up truck over a VHS tape to see how it would hold up and the VHS case was cracked all to heck but the spool inside was perfectly protected and worked like a charm after putting the spool in another VHS case. The Rifle could be called " The Ejector " how cool would that be?

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OMG that is an awesome idea for a mod a Rifle that fires VHS cassette tapes at a target at like 800fps, that would totally kill someone for sure. I mean VHS tapes are practically indestructible, a friend of mine once drove his pick-up truck over a VHS tape to see how it would hold up and the VHS case was cracked all to heck but the spool inside was perfectly protected and worked like a charm after putting the spool in another VHS case. The Rifle could be called " The Ejector " how cool would that be?

You're hilarious.

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I was just being sarcastic because not everyone knows what a VHS rifle is and his description is less than clear on what exactly a VHS rifle is so I used my imagination and pictured someone firing a VHS tape out of a 20lb VCR at incredible velocities. Maybe there is a special elite group of commandoes what only use VHS rifles and they are so secretive that the NWO or Illuminati doesn't even know about them.

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I was just being sarcastic because not everyone knows what a VHS rifle is and his description is less than clear on what exactly a VHS rifle is so I used my imagination and pictured someone firing a VHS tape out of a 20lb VCR at incredible velocities. Maybe there is a special elite group of commandoes what only use VHS rifles and they are so secretive that the NWO or Illuminati doesn't even know about them.

I meant an Croatian weapon,BUT OMG THIS WOULD BE AWSOME

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I was just being sarcastic because not everyone knows what a VHS rifle is and his description is less than clear on what exactly a VHS rifle is so I used my imagination and pictured someone firing a VHS tape out of a 20lb VCR at incredible velocities. Maybe there is a special elite group of commandoes what only use VHS rifles and they are so secretive that the NWO or Illuminati doesn't even know about them.

I was thinking Videogame Highs School rifle... then I remembered that that is VGHS and not VHS

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Patients is a virtue. I've put out a few mod idea's myself with no takers yet but one day somewhere along the line someone might get around to making it. After all allot of mod idea's get put out there with only so many modders skilled enough to make them, just imagine how much stuff they have on their plate so to speak.

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