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About Whatswrongwithmyusername

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  1. Is this project still being worked on or is this another Firebase Zulu?
  2. Another SomeGuy mod for Skyrim,I tought Creation Kit was the work of Satan?Oh my God did the Devil posses your soul,it would certainly explain the profanities during Prophecy of Pendor playtrought.Back to reality I can't wait for this mod,you're literally the best at making immersive,deep storylines
  3. I was so scared that something is wrong with my PC.It sounds so weird that I felt relived after reading this.Well hopefully it gets fixed soon
  4. While some of us do have the final version of the mod, we can't re-upload it here because it would be considered stealing. And the only other instance of the mod that I found on the internet is a Russian version, which will more than likely mess up your game in some way. Couldn't the mod be uploaded on a site like Dropbox?
  5. Don't shoot or blow up The Inventor. The same applies to his radio. Kill him through other means and you'll be safe. The radio is a trap for you-know-who. I'm looking forward to seeing it... :devil: :devil: :devil: Don't shoot or blow up The Inventor. The same applies to his radio. Kill him through other means and you'll be safe. The radio is a trap for you-know-who. I'm looking forward to seeing it... :devil: :devil: :devil: You're a tricky one aren't you,how could have I missed that
  6. Legion assaults usually involve sending Recuit and Prime legionaries as cannon fodder and then sending Veterans to finish the enemy forces
  7. I got a problem,got stuck on a quest where Raiders attack Randall & Associates,I defeat the Raiders but Randall won't say anything new
  8. Welcome back SomeGuy (assuming this is all real and not in my head),I knew this would happen
  9. May your journey bring you luck,but I can't leave now,not while there is a small doubt in my mind that Someguy will reapear
  10. Holy f*#@ing s#*! I totally didn't expect that,why did you spoil such a major plot twist
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