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There are no must have mods as mods are to your personal taste. Look through the top 100 list for those that are the most popular and coincidentally tend to be the most stable. Try to pick one from each category to start with as you can only have one of some types - such as bodies or HUD.
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As someone who has scanned through the mods that aren't in the top 100 mods list, I would like to add that there a many many great mods that are not listed there. Mostly this is due to the fact that they are not listed there - meaning new users don't bother checking what isn't already on the top 100 and these other mods don't get the notoriety because of it. This means that the good mods that were made years ago remain on that list and other's really never catch up. For me, a better way to search for good mods is to look at the endorsements, If there is a high ratio of positive endorsement to negative ones, then the mod is at least 'good'. If the mod only has 5-10 endorsement, but has been on the Nexus for 6 months or more, its probably not worth looking at. But really, anything with a 10-1 ratio or better will most likely be an outstanding mod. Another good way to check is to sort the top 100 by category, this will give you many more mods from which to choose from than by just looking at the overall top 100. For example, the mod in my sig can only be found by searching for the top 100 'Quest and Adventure' mods. Its ranked 16th there, but will most likely never make it to the top 100 overall. But its a really good mod. Most Quest and Adventure mods don't make it to the top 100 (overall) list anyway, but to me, these are the mods I want as I enjoy new quest as much or even more than new weapons and armor or 'house' mods. Otherwise you're just going over the same old places you have been before, just with new equipment. My mod has a 64-1 ratio, and the one negative comment was made by a jack**s who complained that the game didn't work when he played it against the way it was intended. I even made a special version just for him to compensate for his rather unique problem, but he still didn't remove the negative endorsement. I know I'm ranting now, so I'll stop.



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